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JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System

JustFans - Premium Content Creators SaaS platform System 7.9.0 NULLED


[2/7/2025] v7.9.0

* Added a new Polls feature for posts, with multi-answer questions, enabled by default
* Upgraded the Laravel version & auxiliary libraries
* Dropped PHP 8.0 support, now 8.1 - 8.3 is supported
* Fixed a couple of security issues / Improved security
* Updated the rest of backend & frontend libraries to newer versions
* Fixed an issue related to tracking on IPV6 addresses when the "Record users IP Addresses" was enabled
* Fixed a bug where chunk uploads were not used in Messenger even if they were enabled from the admin panel
* Fixed an issue where non-immediate payments were available via Paypal
* Fixed a bug related to datetime values when verifying Paypal subscription payments
* Fixed an issue where the Admin > Settings > Payments > Default sub price wasn't applied to the 3 months subs
* User lists page improvements and fixes
* Fixed the default sorting of user lists by creation time
* Fixed an issue where newly created user lists weren't being appended after the default ones
* Fixed the reversed ordering on individual list members page
* Fixed some small alignment issues on the individual list members page
* Fixed a small bug when list member removal failed, error was not shown
* Fixed a few small UI inconsistencies on the user notifications page
* Fixed a few Admin panel inconsistencies related to fields of user model on the create/edit forms
* Fixed a few Admin panel settings naming inconsistencies
* Removed the markdown-based link from the email verification email
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Reactions: ahmedxd881

[1/22/2025] v7.8.0

* Reworked the Paypal implementation, removed the deprecated SDK in favor of custom-written API wrapper
* Added o1 and o1-mini AI models, though not yet available to all open-ai accounts
* Added `webp` images support for profile avatar & covers
* Added "Notifications" link into the mobile slideable menu
* Fixed an issue causing small scrolling shutters on mobile devices
* Fixed an issue related to captchas, not appearing in the register dialog box
* Fixed an error where messages wouldn't get sent when messaging from the profile page
* Fixed an issue when the "Explore" button while not being logged in and the "Expired subscriptions" widget was turned on
* Fixed an issue where the admin AWS region wasn't used for pre-signed URLs
* Fixed an issue where the PPV label for posts wouldn't be showing for logged-in users browsing a profile
* Fixed an issue where envs missing `nd_pdo_mysql`, a redirect loop would have been caused on the admin panel
* Fixed a bug which prevented users to bookmark their own posts
* Fixed a small stream covers alignment issue
* Small a small Profile > Widgets > Latest media alignment issue
* Improved backward compatibility when updating from older versions to the latest ones
* Improved the product documentation
* Added new details table for payments and storage providers
* Added docs info related to offline payments
* Fixed a few in-product broken documentation links
* Improved AWS storage section (S3-CDN-Presigned Urls)
* Other various documentation-related fixes
* Multiple other small UI&UX fixes and improvements

[1/10/2025] v7.7.0

* Revamped the default homepage, updated illustrations, labels, sections, and more
* Added new "Show user online status" option, which will be displayed on the profile page
* Added new "Record users last activity time" option, which can be enabled to display precise "Last seen" timestamps
* Added new "Record users IP Addresses" option, which can be enabled to track the last user login IP address
* Completely re-worked the product documentation
- New documentation template, better UI, and more easy to follow
- Documentation search feature
- Simplified old sections and created new sections
* Fixed a feed suggestions slider refresh bug
* Fixed an issue related to the mp3 file upload process
* Fixed an issue related to post assets (watermarks, blurred, thumbnail previews) processing during chunked uploads
* Fixed a UI bug where the form errors weren't properly displaying on the user rates settings page
* Fixed a small access issue related to semi-protected admin routes
* Small UI improvements and fixes over the public pages and contact page
* Small UI improvements and fixes over the user notifications page
* Multiple translation strings-related fixes, added a few missing validation attribute values
* Other small bug fixes and improvements
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Reactions: yoshiki1234

[12/4/2024] v7.6.0

* Added a new `Blurred previews for locked content` feature, which can be enabled out of `Admin > Settings > Media`
* Added a new `Admin > Profiles > Allow hyperlinks` settings, which controls hyperlinking of messages, posts, and profiles bio
* Added multi-driver captcha provider solution (Now supporting ReCaptcha, HCaptcha, and Turnstile)
* Added a new Feed/Search page widget for showing expired subscriptions, which can be configured out of the admin panel
* Added a new admin option for being able to disable the search widget on the feed page
* Fixed an issue where not all links were being hyperlinked in the messenger area
* Fixed the `ctrl+s` shortcut on the `Admin > Settings` area, which wasn't triggering the submission anymore
* Fixed an issue where the `Suggestion box total cards` admin setting wasn't reflecting on-site
* Fixed an issue where the feed "footer" was missing on the search page
* Fixed an issue where image thumbnails were not used during file preview on post-draft or edit view
* Fixed an issue where invalid language codes could have been manually altered by logged-in users
* Fixed some issues where attachments uploaded via the ID-verify section weren't properly deleted on the user side
* Fixed some issues with the wasabi storage driver, which could happen on certain hosting environments
* Made the post description auto-expand when viewing individual posts, even if excerpts are enabled
* Split the `Admin > Feed` setting categories into `General` and `Widgets` sub-categories
* Combined the `Social login` & `Social media` tabs under a single Social setting tab, under `Admin > Settings`
* Refactored the `Admin > Settings` JS code, fixing lag issues when clicking between settings sub-categories
* Reworked PPV posts UI to better accommodate the newly added blurred previews
* Dropped the "Show attachments count for PPV posts" admin setting, made it enabled globally
* Added the PPV label to posts when browsing profiles while not being logged in
* Multiple UI fixes and improvements over the feed suggestions box & profile widgets
* Hidden the suggestions-box slider on mobile devices
* Other small fixes and improvements
* Documentation-related updates

[10/31/2024] v7.5.1

* Fixed an issue related to stripe webhooks requests, happening on certain hosting environments
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Reactions: sagehealer21

[9/14/2024] v7.4.0

* Added an announcement banner system with multiple features (Sticky, Global, Expiration, Size, and Dismissible options)
* Added the ability for users to edit their own comments on posts they have access to
* Added a new `Admin > Site > Hide Stream Create Page` option, useful for instances running in one-creator mode
* Added a toggle for generating invoices in `Admin > Settings > Payments > Invoices`, and made the VAT field optional
* Added long-press cancellation when using mobile devices with "Disable right-click on media assets" enabled
* Fixed an issue where the video player would still have the download option available in certain browsers
* Fixed an issue where videos and audio files would still have the download button available when in gallery mode
* Fixed a bug where the "Create Post" link would be available on the generic layout header, even if disabled in admin
* Fixed a bug where the "Hide referrals for non ID-checked users" was hiding the referrals area for admins on user side
* Fixed a NowPayments bug where the payment would fail if non-Latin characters were used
* Fixed a NowPayments bug where the payment completion call could fail in rare environments
* Fixed an issue where the password reset page wouldn't contain the proper window title
* Fixed an issue where the invoice page would get blurred if the site-entry consent dialog wasn't accepted
* Updated a couple of frontend libraries that had potential security risks
* Major internal underlying development lifecycle & release tools improvements
- Increased code quality checks and the number of automated tests
- Fixed all PHP & JS code inconsistencies and style issues, improving code readability and maintainability
- Reduced bundle size—up to 15% smaller archive and extracted script size
* Removed the emoji-picker from posts and messenger input fields; keyboard/OS emoji picker can be used instead
* Removed all unused iOS PWA splash screens, alongside other unused media
* Small updates and tweaks to translation strings
* Multiple other small tweaks and improvements
* Documentation-related updates
  • Like
Reactions: sagehealer21

[8/1/2024] v7.3.0

* Added option of changing OpenAI model to either GPT 3.5/4.0/4.0-o from admin panel
* Added a small note on user rates settings, when a user has open profile setting enabled as well
* Fixed an issue where the Admin > User reports page would crash if invalid reports were present
* Fixed an issue related to the show more toggle for post descriptions, showing when not needed
* Fixed an issue where Facebook & LinkedIn in shared profile links wouldn't get their profile covers as link thumbnails
* Fixed an issue where the language selector would show languages in the current locale instead of their original ones
* Fixed an issue where the 404 page would sometimes not be translated and missing user menu link
* Fixed a bug on the profile page when offers with no prior 3/6/12m values were present
* Fixed a user rates area bug when old values would show for 3/6/12m values even if there were no previous values
* Fixed an issue where for open profiles, the bookmark action from the context menu would act glitchy
* Fixed an access-related issue, where users would still have access to bookmarked posts in some scenarios
* Fixed an issue with the admin settings image field types display, causing 500 on the settings page on certain rare environments
* Updated wallet's amount type length, to accommodate currencies containing larger numbers
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Reactions: yared and k!mo

[7/12/2024] v7.2.0

* Added an `Admin > Settings > Feed > Disable posts text preview` option for hiding posts text previews under paywall
* Moved the `Disable right-click on media` setting over Media settings & made it also apply to messenger media
* Enabled newlines support for bio descriptions on the profile page without having markdown enabled
* Improved error handling of different notification emails when the emails were failing to be sent
* Increased DB column length for manual deposit requests, to accommodate larger deposit messages
* Fixed a profile page bug, where the show more/less for bio description would show up even if there is no more text
* Fixed a series of bugs related to post-context menus on the profile page
- Unfollow & block menus were showing for un-registered users when visiting open profiles
- Block/Unfollow menus were sometimes broken in certain environments
- The Unfollow context menu was shown even if the profile is already unfollowed
* Creators offer related improvements
- Added offer discount percentage rates on the profile 3/6/12months subscription buttons
- Added labels on user rates settings so they can know their previously set prices before the offer starts
- Fixed an issue when setting a custom offer price for 3/6/12months, it would reset the other
* Fixed a bug where chunked uploads weren't enabled on the messenger area
* Fixed a mobile layout issue on the messenger module, when the new message textarea was hidden/required a scroll
* Fixed an issue where the 'New message" button on the profile page was disabled for open profiles having non-free rates
* Translation strings tweaks and improvements
* Documentation updates
* Other small bugfixes and improvements
[6/21/2024] v7.1.0
* Added Stripe Connect for automatic withdrawals, as an alternative for manual payouts
* Allow admins enabling multiple built-in payment providers through Stripe checkout from admin panel
* Creators needs to go through an onboarding process before being able to receive payments
* Added the possibility of enabling additional 3rd party payment processors via stripe (ideal, bancontact, eps, giropay, blik)
* Fixed a client-side issue related to the PWA app serviceworker.js file, throwing console errors
* Other small fixes and improvements
* Documentation updates