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Jobster 6.3.1 NULLED

### 6.3.1 - 08 Oct 2024


* Added new statistics on user profile page (Reset the 'User Profile' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added new section for top rated seller (Reset the 'Homepage - Loggedin' page to its original content to get this improvement or use the following shortcode: [users_list level=3 users=4])

* Added username validation to disallow usernames containing only numbers
* Added level filter to search users page (Reset the 'Search Users' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added left border for unread messages (https://feedback.wpjobster.com/post...-how-to-see-unread-messages-in-the-left-panel)

* Fixed message system for usernames starting with numbers
* Fixed missing vacation reason message
* Fixed message box when emoticons are disabled
* Fixed featured button appearance for single job page
### - 06 Dec 2022
* Fixed flag for Libya on the search users page
* Fixed Enable flags option
* Fixed console error for sites without a main menu
* Fixed user registration with any language other than default
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Reactions: MarkDragon
### - 01 Aug 2022

* Fixed front page slider spaces

### 6.1.2 - 01 Aug 2022

* Updated documentation for v6
* Added option to choose when the clock on the transaction page should stop (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Order > Transaction Settings > Stop transaction clock)
* Added option to enable or disable "Unresponsive" label
* Added option to change the font for job description (Jobster Design > Elements > Job > Job Presentation Page - Description)
* Added listing of tags based on current post type
* Added option to hide category/subcategory description (Jobster Settings > General Settings > Job (or Request) > Categories section > Display category description)
* Added active job exceeded info to user account page (Reset the 'My Account' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added Reset the notifications to their original content functionality (Admin > Notifications > Reset buttons)
* Added option to apply tax to processing fees only (Jobster Settings > Pricing Settings > Fees > For Buyers - Tax > Apply tax over)
* Added option main menu items alignment (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu > Submenu alignment)
* Added helper buttons for support pages (Pages > My Tickets / Ticket / New Ticket > Edit > Template (right sidebar) > Support Template > Update)
* Added option to activate 2FA by user if admin option is enabled (Reset the 'User Settings' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added option for seller to choose if they want video as job thumbnail

* Fixed words filter warning appearance
* Fixed order abort buttons appearance when order is cancelled by admin
* Fixed front page header fixed menu for not loggedin users
* Fixed username length for user account sidebar
* Fixed payment for free badges
* Fixed tax by country
* Fixed work sample slider arrow position
* Fixed mixed avatars when is social media account
* Fixed load more for categories page
* Fixed duplicate authentication error messages

### 6.1.1 - 15 Jul 2022

* Added multi-level support for secondary menus
* Added new layout options for main menu (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu)
* Added new layout options for dropdown menu (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Dropdown menu)
* Added new layout options for mobile menus (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Mobile menu)
* Added layout options for secondary menus (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Secondary menu)
* Added layout options for responsive search (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Mobile menu - Right sidebar)
* Added TinyMCE for emails and moved the menu to Dashboard > Notifications
* Added option to enable header categories menu for not logged in users (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Main menu > Categories menu for not logged in users)

* Fixed uploader for mp4 files
* Fixed job presentation tab name for packages
* Fixed search user page layout
* Fixed authentication redirect
* Fixed logout URL
* Fixed multiple attachments for transaction messages
* Fixed AIO Support Center pages without refresh
* Fixed Elementor conflict with authentication modals

### 6.1.0 - 05 Jul 2022

* Customizable login, registration and forgot password page and modal (Admin > Pages)
* Added option to change the URL for the login, registration and forgot password page
* Added bulk actions button for requests (Reset the 'My Requests' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Added export system for user transactions (Disable the option from Jobster Settings > General Settings > User > Enable transactions export > No (Reset the 'Payments' page to its original content to get this improvement))

* Added option to set footer columns in the same row (Jobster Design > Footer > All columns in the same row)
* Added shortcode for custom fields type tag (https://docs.wpjobster.com/article/243-add-custom-fields-for-job-request-and-user)
* Added option to change the post new instructions box layout (Jobster Design > Elements > Job (or Request) > Instructions - Post new)
* Added option to change the upload button layout (Jobster Design > Elements > Form > Upload Button)
* Added defined values for language proficiency
* Added sticky sidebar for job presentation page (Reset the 'Job' page to its original content (or go to sidebar column block > Sticky Settings > Enable 'Make Sticky' and set the Header Offset to 100px) to get this improvement)
* Added option to disable user cover (Jobster Settings > General Settings > User > Images > Enable cover image for users)
* Added load more for user conversations
* Added Reset the menus to their original content functionality (Admin > Appearance > Menus > Reset WPJ Menus)
* Added Reset the pages to their original content functionality (Admin > Pages > Reset WPJ Pages)
* Added Reset the widgets to their original content functionality (Admin > Appearance > Widgets > Reset WPJ Widgets)

* Fixed order notification boxes date
* Fixed theme updater PHP 8 error
* Fixed order notification messages
* Fixed subscription for prices higher than 1000
* Fixed request custom offer layout for not logged in users
* Fixed homepage search arrow colour
* Fixed phone number dropdown layout (Reset the 'User Settings' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed formatted user biography on job page (Reset the 'Job' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed RTL reCaptcha layout
* Fixed RTL quick responses layout
* Fixed RTL message box layout
* Fixed RTL for user status on user profile page (Reset the 'User Profile' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed RTL for currency switcher on checkout page (Reset the 'Checkout' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed RTL for job price on order page (Reset the 'Order' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed basic package selection for mobile
* Fixed mobile layout for subscription upgrade and schedule (Reset the 'Subscriptions' page to its original content to get this improvement)
* Fixed mobile layout for preview messages and notifications panels

### 6.0.9 - 01 Jun 2022

* Added Redirects menu to Jobster Settings > Page Settings
* Prevent payment when multiple clicks
* Added the option to set float values for subscription

* Fixed custom extra & tips credits payment
* Fixed subscription cancellation
* Fixed withdrawal amount error
* Fixed PayPal withdrawal

### 6.0.8 - 30 May 2022

* Added option to deactivate subscription period
* Added new type fields and documentation for custom fields (https://docs.wpjobster.com/article/243-add-custom-fields-for-job-request-and-user)

* Fixed carousel arrows appearance

### 6.0.7 - 26 May 2022

* Added timer to resend SMS action
* Added option to display dropdown menu in one column (Jobster Design > Header > Menu > Dropdown Menu > Menu style)
* Added editable default currency for licenses without multi-currency feature
* Added user reviews to Admin Messages menu
* Added support for user, job and request custom fields

* Fixed WYSIWYG layout
* Fixed long word for card username
* Fixed new line for quick responses

### 6.0.6 - 20 May 2022

* Added process/cancel payment buttons for subscriptions
* Added sms code field if the key is wrong

* Fixed sortable for job images
* Fixed invisible cursor for tags
* Fixed instructions alignment for packages custom fields
* Fixed autodraft requests appearance
* Fixed requests details after load more
* Fixed WYSIWYG height
* Fixed TinyMCE editor
* Fixed RTL order timer layout
* Fixed automatically detection old version for user info
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Reactions: asifbrowz