• The default language of any content posted is English.
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Impact Theme

Shopify Impact Theme 4.3.4

Version 4.3.4 August 1, 2023​


  • We have added Threads as a social media.
  • The cart icon selected in the header will now be also re-used for the mobile quick buy, to ensure a more consistent experience across the board.


  • Remove some unused settings from the "Timeline" sections.
  • Fixed an issue where the fulfillment label and financial label were swapped in customer accounts on mobile.
  • Fixed an edge case where a multi-column section made only of video (without any text) would not display properly on mobile.
  • Fixed an issue on the "Video" section where long text could appear cut on mobile when selecting the 16/9 format.
  • The Twitter icon has been replaced by "X" icon.