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Image Compressor With TinyPNG

PrestaShop Image Compressor With TinyPNG 6.2.8


Compress PNG, JPEG, WebP images in your store with TinyPNG, reduce your store's page size, make your store load much faster and save a lot of disk space. You can setup CRON Job to automatically compress your images.

After you download this module, you will have 2 options to use it in terms of cost:
1. WITHOUT EXTRA COST. You can use this module to compress your images for free, however there is a small limitation: one API key can compress 500 images every month.
2. WITH ADDITIONAL COST. You can compress all your images with only one API key, but there will be a small cost after 500 images. You can check pricing here: https://tinypng.com/developers
  • Easily compress PNG, JPEG, WebP images in your store.
  • Reduce images size significantly by compressing them.
  • On average, JPG images are compressed by 40-60% and PNG images by 50-80% WITHOUT visible loss in quality.
  • Improve customer experience with fast loading pages.
  • You will save a lot of disk space on your server.
  • Benefit from pause/resume feature and never worry about the number of images your store has.
  • Compress images by category: product images, category images, theme images, module images and many others.
  • You can also compress images from any directory. Just give absolute or relative path to a directory and the module will take care of the rest.
  • View detailed history of compressions and keep track of the improvements.
  • The history of each compression is kept, so that you don't compress images that were compressed before.
  • Modified images will be compressed during next compressions, regardless of the history.
  • View your monthly compression usage right in the module configuration page, no need to open your TinyPNG account dashboard.
  • View log of images and their statuses. You can compare sizes of images before and after compression.
  • You can use CRON to automatically compress images on scheduled time periods.
  • Product images will be compressed automatically by CRON after you add them.
  • Compress first 500 images for free every month per API Key.
  • Please visit for more details about pricing if you want to use single account and compress more than 500 images every month.
  • Version 6.2.8
  • Downloads 52
  • Views 664
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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