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Image Compress with Squeezeimg + Convert to webp, jp2

PrestaShop Image Compress with Squeezeimg + Convert to webp, jp2 1.2.4

Pinta Webware

Use the Image Compress with Squeezeimg module to optimize the size of your website's images, speed up the page loading, free up the space for storing data on the server and increase your ranking in search engines such as Google, Yandex, etc.

The Image Compress with Squeezeimg module uses functions of the Squeezeimg Image Optimizer to quickly minimize the size of your images. You can compress / convert images without visible quality loss or with loss.

How it works?
Install the Image Compress with Squeezeimg module to your website.
You DON'T NEED to install ANY OTHER modules and libraries!!!
Also register your Squeezeimg account (https://squeezeimg.com) and generate an API key to use on your website. You can use 1000 images per month for FREE, or you need to pay for any Squeezeimg Image Optimizer plan to use more images.
Then the Image Compress with Squeezeimg module will do all the image optimization for you!

Fast compression and conversion of images without visible quality loss using the Squeezeimg service. This feature minimizes the size of all your images and increases the loading speed of your websites and applications. On average, images are compressed by 50 - 80 % and pages of a website or application load much faster.
You can use the module to compress images of any size and the most popular formats - PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, SVG, BMP, TIFF.
Also the module allows you to convert images to WebP, AVIF and jp2 format. After conversion, your images are reduced by 50 % compared to the original images.
And you can apply compression / conversion only for specific folders with images. This helps to use the image limit efficiently.
With one API key, you can compress and convert up to 1000 of your images every month for FREE.
If that's not enough for you, you can choose and pay for a suitable Squeezeimg Image Optimizer plan (check out all pricing at https://squeezeimg.com/pricing).

You can use Lazy Load as an additional way to reduce page's loading time and improve overall website performance.
Lazy Load defers loading of ALL your images not just catalog images. For example, images of logo, cms, module, theme, etc.

Also, with this module, you can create a complete sitemap with images as an XML file in a few seconds and upload it to Google Search Console, Yandex.Webmaster.
This allows search engines - Google, Yandex - to quickly find and crawl all images of your website, including those recently added or updated.
So it increases the ranking of your website and improves its SEO.

If you want to automatically compress / convert your images, you can set up the CRON task.
This feature allows you to automatically process images at a specified time and save you time.

Apply the Image Compress with Squeezeimg module and:
  • Increase website / application loading speed and improve SEO rank
  • Reduce used disk space and improve performance of website / application
  • Improve the loyalty of your customers by making your pages load faster
  • Version 1.2.4
  • Downloads 37
  • Views 629
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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