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iCall OS16 - Color Phone Flash - iPhone Style Call - iCallScreen Dialer - iCall Dialer Screen

iCall OS16 - Color Phone Flash - iPhone Style Call - iCallScreen Dialer - iCall Dialer Screen 1.0.0

iCall OS16.jpg

iCall OS16 – Color Phone Flash – iPhone Style Call – iCallScreen Dialer – iCall Dialer Screen
Want a Pure OS16 style Contacts & Dial pad? OS15 Contact is a Free App brings you OS 12&13 Phone 14 & Phone 11s max style theme Dialing Screen and Phonebook experience. It is all-in-one contacts, dialer and call log phone App. Download Now Bring your Android phone to the NEW looks.

OS16 Contact which is also an amazing video ringtone and caller name announcer app, is a wonderful call themes changer as well as a great call blocker that customizes caller screen with elegant color phone themes.

iContact is a new awesome incoming call theme changer color phone app & a great call blocker that provides you with stylish color phone video ringtone and call blocker function. Use caller name announcer to help you manage calls. Get this Phone Color Screen app to enjoy more beautiful & colorful caller screen themes in call flash style! Customize and decorate predefine wallpaper of background for call screen. If you want something different or you want to choose an image from the gallery then you can find elegant wallpaper and background from app setting

Best features of iCallScreen - OS16 Phone X Dialer Call Screen
Set custom wallpapers or backgrounds
️ Call Recorder ️ You can record all calls you want easily. It allows you to block unwanted or spam calls. you can add or remove it from setting by manually or you can choose from contact.

☎ Dialer ☎ In this app, there are many features in the dialer app like see, search or manage smooth contacts book, and remove contacts in favorite. advance dialer keypad which allows users can T9 search (search contact name with a number) and see contact detail. There are many setting like changing wallpapers and ringtone, blocker, and swap accept and decline buttons for incoming ↘ and outgoing ↗ call screen User cal gets all features of OS16 and Phone 14 like add, manage conference, swap, and split from the conference calls. Everyone wants to slide to answer button in icall screen so this app will give you feel like real slide to answer button Dark mode option to optimise battery life.
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  • Version 1.0.0
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