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Homey - Booking and Rentals WordPress Theme

Homey - Booking and Rentals WordPress Theme 2.4.3 NULLED

Homey v2.4.3 – Released on 28 January 2025
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins

[Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_save_profile
[Fixed] The vulnerable function: homey_register
[Updated] Homey-login-register plugin to v2.4.3
Homey v2.4.1 – Released on 27 November 2024
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins

[New] New option for search results page to show unit or dates price.
[Fixed] Stripe fatal error when updrage package
[Fixed] _load_textdomain_just_in_time new requirement for wordpress 6.7.* for text domain homey
Homey v2.4.0 – Released on 20 November 2024
Note: Clear cache and update all required plugins

[New] Make possible for admin to create a booking (Reservation) of Listing from Wordpress admin panel.
[New] Phone Number in register form, this can be disable from Homey Options Login & Register.
[New] Different Welcome Mails after register HOST/RENTER
[New] Delete Users which are not verified within 24 hours, this can be disable from homey options.
[New] Protect Spam Users and deleting their record from database using keyword that contains in spam email registration. You can disable this from Homey Options.
[New] The new labels in homey.pot language file.
[New] Header slider turn Auto play on or off.

[Fixed] Membership expiration date issue in wordpress admin panel.
[Fixed] Listing type selected none.
[Fixed] Splash page not opening in Page Editors.
[Fixed] Fields builder form data is not not visible on the Experience information page.
[Fixed] Experience and Listings reservation conflict.
[Fixed] Translatable strings for Extra fields.
[Fixed] Featured Listing payment from stripe issue fixed
[Fixed] Experience search on mobile not works.
[Fixed] On homepage slider listing sort featured first.
[Fixed] Labels on membership plan detail page.
[Fixed] After login redirection to page is fixed.
[Fixed] Instant Hourly Experience booking does not save start or end hour when it requires login.

[Updated] Experiences can be booked without being logged in just provide email address.
[Updated] Woocommerce template pages are updated with latest files.
[Updated] New profile fields added for social links.
[Updated] In about section on able to show Custom Field Builder.
[Updated] On search criteria, price should update like Airbnb, My Booking.
[Updated] Status filter for reservation list page.
[Updated] Homepage slider now auto plays the slides in every 5 seconds by default.
[Updated] Homey Core plugin
[Updated] Homey Login Register plugin
[Updated] Homey Membership plugin
[Updated] Homey WooCommerce addon plugin
[Updated] Slider Revolution plugin
[Updated] WP Bakery plugin