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Hide products (stock 0, price range, countries, group)

PrestaShop Hide products (stock 0, price range, countries, group) 1.2.6


Hide your catalog products individually or massively with absolute flexibility and with configurable conditions (by stock, by price, by geolocation, by manufacturer, and more...)

Hide your catalog products

Hide the products in your catalog which you don't want to show with a very easy configuration.

Hide products after creation date
You are able to hide products after X days from the creation date

Block products and images for Google bots
The hidden products are blocked for Google bots, so, he images of these products are not available (disappear) from Google search results.

URL redirection to the hidden products (avoid Google console errors)
The module allows to configure a 301, 302 or 404 redirection to redirect the customer if he access to a hidden product directly with the URL (and avoid the Google webmaster console access errors).

Individually or massively
Use the filters and conditions to hide the an specific product (individually) or all the products that you need (massively)

Product filters
Choose the products to hide using this filters:
  • Product
  • Category
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
  • Attributes (combinations)
  • Features
  • Weight
  • Stock
  • Price
Target filters (who will not see the products)
Choose the target of the hide products to define who will not see the products using this filters:
  • Customer
  • Customer groups
  • Language
  • Currency
  • Country (geolocation)
  • Zone (geolocation)
Dates range
Define a Date From and Date to range to configure when the product will be hidden.

Use the schedule to define the time and the day of the week when the products will be hidden.

Geolocation compatible
If you are using the Geolocation (of PrestaShop or the other modules Geolocation) the module can hide the products when a customer goes to the store and the IP detection locates a country or zone where the product or products must be hidden.

Improved performance (cache)
The module has a cache system to improve the performance of the store when it's enabled.
  • Version 1.2.6
  • Downloads 3
  • Views 24
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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