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HelpDesk - Online Ticketing System with Website - ticket support and management

HelpDesk - Online Ticketing System with Website - ticket support and management 4.0.0 NULLED

--- v4.0.0 (24 December 2024) ---
+ IMPORTANT: Security Update
+ IMPORTANT: Laravel Core Update
+ IMPROVEMENT: Replace Webpack with Vite
+ IMPROVEMENT: Update Frontend Dependencies
+ IMPROVEMENT: Improved Performance (Speed Up)
+ IMPROVEMENT: Good Morning translation
* FIXED: Removed that (Customer can remove the upload files from the ticket details)
--- v3.9.0 (25 July 2024) ---
+ FEATURE: Custom ticket input with builder
--- v3.8.4 (10 June 2024) ---
+ FEATURE: Added required ticket fields(admin option), while submit a new ticket
* IMPROVEMENT: Update hidden ticket fields
-- 3.74 (19th January 2024) ---
- IMPROVED: Database Connection while DB password with special characters(as per customer request)
- IMPROVED AND FIXED: Send Mail While creating/updating ticket (as per customer request)
- IMPROVED AND FIXED: Priority update on settings page
- REMOVED: Softdelete Feature (regarding customer recommendation)
- FEATURE: Added terms & conditions checkbox while submitting a ticket by customer. (As per customer request)
- IMPROVED AND FIXED: Changed Ticket `uid` format with md5 generated code; now it will only visible on the URL.
- IMPROVED Documentation: Added gmail smtp instructions and offline version of the documentation.
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Reactions: edgars221289
--- 3.69 (19 December 2023) ---
- IMPROVEMENT: Global Settings Page (As per user request)
- IMPROVEMENT: Installation database issue for some cases (As per user request)
- FIXED: Logo and Image caching issue while change (As per user request)
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Reactions: edgars221289
--- 3.63 (22 October 2023) ---
- IMPROVEMENT: user role things on the edit user page for the super admin
--- 3.6 (11 October 2023) ---
- FIXED: Disabled deleting default language(English)
--- 3.2 (26 Aug 2023) ---
- FIXED: Customer can update status, select another customer, assign user (now customer won't be able to do)
- FIXED & IMPROVEMENT: KnowledgeBase database and seeder.
--- 3.1 (14 Aug 2023) ---
- FIXED: Fixed ticket status issues while a ticket not closed
- IMPROVEMENT: Setup default ticket status and hide this from the initial ticket creation
- FEATURE: Auto fill up user details while create a new ticket by Logged in user from the front pages.
- FEATURE: Added CronJob URL, so cronjob can be set with cPanel or Shared hosting.
- NEW: Updated documentation for the email piping cronjob setup