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xAPI, SCORM & cmi5 support for WordPress

GrassBlade xAPI Companion

The GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin, lets you upload and host xAPI, SCORM, cmi5 and HTML5 content on a WordPress website in multiple ways. Connect it with GrassBlade Cloud LRS or any other LRS to get tracking data instantly.

The robust Grassblade xAPI Companion plugin is known for integrating seamlessly with a variety of learning technology and popular tools in your business and eLearning ecosystem keeping in mind the future potential.

Advanced Completion Behaviour

The Advanced Completion Behaviour will let you control the completion behaviour of the lesson, topic or quiz having xAPI Content.

It can hide the “Mark Complete” button and automatically complete the lesson in background. Also, it can enable or show “Mark Complete” button when user completes the added xAPI Content.

Currently, it is working with these LMS(s):
  1. LearnDash LMS
  2. WP Courseware LMS
  3. LearnPress LMS
  4. Lifter LMS
  5. Tutor LMS
  6. MasterStudy LMS
  7. Sensei LMS

Advanced Video Tracking

GrassBlade xAPI Companion comes with xAPI Video Profile 1.0. It enables support for advanced video tracking in wordpress with this latest profile.

Now, you can track every user activity done with:
  • Video uploaded on your server. (MP4 Videos)
  • HLS (.m3u8)
  • MPEG Dash (.mpd)
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Wistia
  • Audio (MP3 etc.)

Interactive Videos

Make your learning videos more engaging with the Interactive Video feature. It simply allows you to add three types of questions on the top of your xAPI Videos.
  1. Single Choice
  2. Multi-Choice
  3. True and False
Show these questions at your selected timestamp and get submitted answers to your Learning Record Store.

SCORM Support

Upload, Add and Track SCORM Content in WordPress.
GrassBlade xAPI Companion supports all the versions of SCORM and allows tracking of user activities on the content.
All other xAPI features will also work with SCORM Content, including Rich Quiz Reports for learners.

Supported Versions:
  1. SCORM 1.2
  2. SCORM 2004 2nd Edition
  3. SCORM 2004 3rd Edition
  4. SCORM 2004 4th Edition

Reports for Admins & Group Leaders

Get six different reports in just a few clicks and get the data you want to see. Access it from the WordPress dashboard or create a frontend page with a shortcode or Gutenberg block. It works with all the LMS plugins that integrates with GrassBlade xAPI Companion plugin.

Available Reports:
  1. Completions Report
  2. Gradebook Report
  3. Achievements Report
  4. Progress Snapshot Report
  5. Quiz Report
  6. Question Report
  7. User Report
  8. LearnDash Profile
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