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Google WebP Image Generator

PrestaShop Google WebP Image Generator 1.0.16


Once you start generating images with our WebP Generator module for PrestaShop, you will notice great improvements regarding the speed of your site and your images will keep their quality.
  • The module offers a superior lossless and lossy compression for the images of your site which is highly recommended for Page Speed Optimization purposes.
  • It is much more efficient than the standard image generation in PrestaShop, it doesn't have timeout errors and you can view the progress of the entire process.
  • The images generated through the WebP Generator module are about 26% smaller in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller than comparable JPEG images at equivalent SSIM quality index.
  • Lossless WebP supports transparency (also known as alpha channel) at a cost of just 22% additional bytes. For cases when lossy RGB compression is acceptable, lossy WebP also supports transparency, typically providing 3× smaller file sizes compared to PNG.
  • Generating images with this module will free up space on the server and the page loading of your site will become faster.
  • Google will love your images which are generated by this module and you can obtain better rankings in Google Image Searches. This is additional to the general improvements in rankings thanks to having a fast site.
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Reactions: silva
  • Version 1.0.16
  • Downloads 42
  • Views 644
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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