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Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce PRO

Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce PRO 1.13.3

2025-01-20 - version 1.13.3
* add - additonal event defferal settings
* add - additional dynamic remarketing parameters
* tweak - default add_to_cart quantity
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Reactions: edgars221289
2024-11-24 - version 1.13.1
* tweak - order monitor improvements
* fix - added block checkout compatibility to `add_shipping_info` and `add_payment_info` events
* tweak - tested against the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
2024-04-25 - version 1.11.6
* fix - improve new frontend wp hooks compatiblity
2023-11-10 - version 1.11.1
* tweak - tested against the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce
2023-10-20 - version 1.11.0
* add - adds possibility to choose when purchase in browser should be tracked (thank you page only or just after order creation)
* fix - adds missing price property in Facebook Pixel Advanced preset
* fix - fixes 'view_cart' event on cart block page
* tweak - tested against the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce
2023-09-26 - version 1.10.20
* tweak - changes plugin author
2023-08-30 - version 1.10.15
* add - improved purchase tracking
* tweak - tested against the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce
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Reactions: edgars221289
2023-08-04 - version 1.10.9
* add - added TikTok and Pinterest presets
* add - improved 'remove_from_cart' event
*** Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce PRO ***
2023-07-07 - version 1.10.6

* add - improved user details in 2.0.0 version of Facebook Pixel Advanced preset
* tweak - tested against the latest version of WooCommerce