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- Added: Ability to leave reviews without login
- Fixed: Role selection during social registration
- Fixed: Registration form validation
- Fixed: Owners can mark places as featured
- Fixed: Minor CSS and JS issues
- Update: Golo Framework 1.6.6
- Update: POT file
- Add: Extra featured in package
- Fix: Google Review
- Fix: Account Form
- Fix: Comment author-name
- Fix: label html tag
- Fix: Some Css, Js, Responsive
- Updated: Updated Golo Framework to version 1.5.9 (Dashboard/Plugins to update)
- Updated: Deprecated old Woo templates
- Updated: Owners can now claim unclaimed/free listings added by ADMIN
- Updated: Open Hour in Place Detail now calls Ajax to prevent caching
- Updated: The place name is now displayed on the marker on the Map
- Updated: Gmail login now compatible with the new API version
- Added: Neighborhood to Place Widget in Elementor
- Added: Excluded to Cities Widget
- Fixed: Resolved some PHP warnings
- Fixed: Issue with My Places pagination not loading
- Fixed: Issue with GOLO Import Demo
- Fixed: Resolved some styling issues
- Updated: Golo Framework 1.5.8
- Updated: Golo Flutter 1.1.1
- Updated: Deprecated Woo templates
- Updated: Captcha compatible with some cache plugins
- Updated: Reduce Scheduler query time, by user role instead of by Place
- Updated: Google Reviews refresh after 2 days
- Updated: Some functions of search/filter
- Added: Option for no suffix price on the back-end
- Fixed: Some PHP warnings
- Fixed: Mapbox not loading on theme option occasionally
- Fixed: Map not shown when using Mapbox and not using Booking Contact
- Fixed: Elementor error when no Woo products
- Fixed: Some styling