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GenerateBlocks Pro

GenerateBlocks Pro 2.0.0 NULLED

= 2.0.0 =
* New: Add support for GenerateBlocks 2.0
* New: All blocks re-written from scratch for better performance and control
* New: Version 1 blocks still exist where used and function normally
* New: Version 1 blocks can be enabled by default with simple filter
* New: Accordion block (and inner blocks) re-written using 2.0 technology
* New: Accordion icon block - easily choose your open/close icons
* New: Tabs block (and inner blocks) re-written using 2.0 technology
* New: Full ACF support in new dynamic tags feature
* New: Full ACF support in new Query block
* New: Query ACF post and options page repeaters in Query block
* New: Filter Global Style design options in based on whether they have a value
* New: Filter Global Style design options in based on whether they're inheriting a value
* New: Full control over v2 block HTML attributes
* New: Full control over image link HTML attributes
* New: Better Global Style indicator dots when inhereting styles
= 1.7.1 =
* Feature: Add full support for GenerateCloud
* Fix: CSS variable naming conflicts in the editor
* Fix: Missing legacy Global Style options in Grid block
* Fix: aria-hidden attribute mistyped in accordion icons (a11y)
* Fix: tabpanel role on wrong container (a11y)
* Fix: Links in closed accordion items can be focused (a11y)
* Fix: Nested accordion height issues
* Tweak: Show all options in Global Styles Builder
* Tweak: Add IDs to accordion and tab items by default (a11y)
= 1.7.0 =
* Feature: New Global Styles system
* Feature: Extend new Pattern Library with Pro collection
* Feature: Use core patterns post type for local patterns
* Feature: Add "collection" taxonomy to the core patterns post type
* Feature: Add necessary a11y attributes to tabs/accordions by default
* Fix: Wrong text domains
* Fix: Use aria-selected in for tabs
* Deprecation: Existing Global Styles system
* Deprecation: Existing local patterns post type
* Deprecation: Existing Pattern Library block
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Reactions: MarkDragon
= 1.6.0 =
* Feature: Add FAQ schema option to accordions
* Fix: Block label should not be synced with styles changes (GB 1.8.0)
* Fix: Dynamic accordion button undefined index
* Fix: Dynamic tab button undefined index
* Fix: PHP Warning: Undefined array key "type"
* Fix: Fix: Container Link display setting
* Tweak: Require at least PHP 7.2
* Tweak: Add current Container border color support (GB 1.8.0)
* Tweak: Add Global Style block version to attributes
* Tweak: Don't show incompatible Global Styles in dropdown
* Languages: Add es_ES translation
* Languages: Add cs_CZ translation
* Languages: Add fi translation
= 1.5.2 =
* Tweak: Improve tab templates on mobile
* Fix: Missing global style sizing attributes in editor
* Fix: Dynamic tab/accordion buttons
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Reactions: germano
= 1.5.1 =
* Fix: Filter editor.blockEdit breaking blocks
* Fix: Tab buttons breaking when non-button siblings exist
= 1.5.0 =
* Feature: New Tabs block variation
* Feature: New Accordion block variation
* Feature: Integrate Effects with new inner container (GB 1.7)
* Feature: Integrate with position and overflow options (GB 1.7)
* Feature: Require certain versions in Pattern Library
* Tweak: Update pattern library icon
* Tweak: Add Effects panel using BlockEdit filter
* Tweak: Add Global Styles using BlockEdit filter
* Tweak: Improve Effects/Advanced BGs UI
* Tweak: Update generateblocks-pro.pot
* Tweak: Move Pattern Library to end of block list
* Tweak: Add pointer-events: none to pseudo backgrounds
* Fix: Dynamic image backwards compatibility with ACF integration
* Fix: Editor styles not loading in tablet/mobile previews in Firefox
* Fix: Check the useEffect attributes when showing global styles
* Fix: Check objects in Global Styles
* Fix: Pattern Library loading icon position
* Fix: Syntax when using multiple transition on one element
= 1.4.0 =
* Feature: Integrate ACF with dynamic content options
* Feature: Support ACF basic fields
* Feature: Support ACF content fields
* Feature: Support ACF choice (single value) fields
* Feature: Support ACF relational (single value) fields
* Feature: Support ACF jQuery fields
* Fix: Query loop not working in widget area
* Fix: Exclude current sticky post not working
* Fix: Removal of isQueryLoop item attribute in global styles
* Fix: Add missing device visibility to Image block
* Fix: Popover component overflow in WP 6.1
* Tweak: Change normal selectControl to SimpleSelect
* Tweak: Make link source use same meta components
* Tweak: Fix pattern library labels in settings area
* Tweak: Remove drafted local patterns from library
* Tweak: Improve Color picker input field state