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FW Gallery Pro

FW Gallery Pro 8.0.0

FW Gallery.png

FW Gallery FWG Pro​

Responsive media (images, video, audio) file gallery with drag & drop files upload, multi-level sub-categories, tags, slideshow, Instagram and FTP import and many other add-ons.

Platform with add-ons - Multiple add-ons designed to work with FW Gallery component and installed on top of it. All add-ons are managed via a dedicated Add-ons section.
4 file grids - Choose between Standard, Justified, Waterfall, and Custom grid to position images on the page to your taste.
2 image on hover effects - Ken Burns and Linear on hover effects to gain visitors attention and improve user experience.
7 file info display positions - 7 file details display positions to choose from - top, left, right, bottom, over slide up, and over full hover.
Gallery video cover - Use videos as preview covers. The video is automatically played on hovering.

Responsive Photo Gallery - Mobile friendly layouts for best performance and look on any device.
Photo & Video Media - Allows photo and video upload without any restrictions by number or size. Supports YouTube, Vimeo, mp4.
Images Batch Upload - Fast and handy files management with batch upload feature.
Multilevel Galleries Hierarchy - Unlimited levels of galleries to build required folders tree.

Images rotate - Rotate manually images if camera rotation is not rendered correctly.
Watermark protection - Protect images from unauthorized usage on other websites or media.
Social share buttons - Allow your visitors to share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest.
Galleries list view - Top level gallery view with all galleries included as a subfolder. No images in this view.

Single gallery view - A gallery with any number of sub-galleries and images included in a current.
Item view - Single photo layout with its display settings and options.
Gallery display settings - Configure galleries grid, number per page and ordering. Show/hide empty galleries.
Item display settings - Configure images display grid, number per page and ordering.

Menu item settings - Define specific gallery and image settings via menu item options.
Default gallery image - Select default preview image among the images in a gallery.
Item details - Set image name, owner, upload date, description, copyright note. Choose what is shown.
Gallery details - Set gallery name, owner, create date and description. Choose what is shown.
  • Version 8.0.0
  • Downloads 43
  • Views 305
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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