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Food Menu Pro - Restaurant Menu & Online Ordering for WooCommerce

Food Menu Pro - Restaurant Menu & Online Ordering for WooCommerce 4.0.1 NULLED


Food Menu Pro NULLED | Express your Restaurant Website with Food Menu​

A Simple Food & Restaurant Menu Display Plugin for Restaurant, Cafes, Fast Food, Coffee House with WooCommerce Online Ordering.

Food Menu is a stellar WordPress restaurant menu plugin, which we’ve crafted to perfection. Our plugin allows you to showcase your food menu items for your food business – whichever kind it is. Dull menu displays are not as easy to use and present food items for your visitors. If you want lots of visitors to purchases your food, you have to incorporate this WordPress restaurant menu plugin.

Layout Options​

This theme offers 11 layouts with a grid, isotope, and slider variations to give you more options for aa fantastic menu. The grid variation has 5 layouts with category-based designs, as does the isotope filter that has 3 designs. On the other hand, the 3 sliders have carousel slider designs. What’s more, the grid variations have two more options – even grid and masonry grid, where you can decide whether to give your menus margins or not.

Food Menu Pro offers 4 types of paginations, including standard number pagination, Ajax number pagination, load more, and load on scrolling. These options provide you with the chance to display your menus uniquely.

Robust Functions​

This restaurant menu plugin allows you to filter items by category and sort their order by id, title, date posted, price, or randomly. You can drag and drop ingredients onto your food data content before adding quantity and unit. Food Menu also allows you to add nutrition details this way. You can enable ingredients, nutrition details, and reviews on individual food items.

You can select the currency you want to deal with on your menu as well as its display position. With Food Menu Pro, your users can order food items in a drag and drop interface.

Exceptional Visuals​

You can also add multiple images for the gallery that will show in the detail page and the popups. After preparing your menu, you can see a preview of the result in the details page. You can see a layout preview of the menu in the shortcode generator too. You can also set a single item to pop up with details and catch the users’ attention.


Food Menu Pro WordPress restaurant menu plugin is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Therefore, your users can view beautiful versions of your website from their desktops, laptops, and handheld devices.
  • Version 4.0.1 NULLED
  • Downloads 71
  • Views 838
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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