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    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked! For more information about rules, limits, and more, visit the Help page.
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  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
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Fluent Support Pro

Fluent Support Pro 1.8.5 NULLED

= 1.6.9 (Date: March 16, 2023) =
* Added - Custom field required or optional
* Added - Custom field in the workflow condition
* Added - Saved replies templates in auto ticket close module
* Added - Saved replies templates in the workflow
* Fixed - Fluent CRM widget missing issue
* Fixed - Ticket merge popup issue
* Fixed - Delete action of manual workflow
* More improvements
= 1.6.8 (Date: February 14, 2022) =
* Added - Migrate Tickets from Freshdesk
* Added - Toggle to stop auto close bookmarked tickets
* Fixed - Issue with telegram reply
* Fixed - Support staff not assigned to ticket via workflow
* Fixed - Frontend agent portal issues
* More Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Like
Reactions: smurf
= 1.6.7 (Date: November 24, 2022) =
* Agent Summary Exporter
* Migrate Tickets from Help Scout
* WooCommerce Purchase History Widget Redesigned
* Bug Fixes and Improvements
  • Like
Reactions: smurf and tatar221
= 1.6.6 (Date: October, 2022) =
* Activity Log Filters
* Active Tickets for Products
* Waiting Tickets stat on Dashboard
* Hourly Reports for tickets activity
* New Trigger – Ticket Closed on Automation (Pro)
* Close Ticket Silently (without triggering emails)
* Migrate Tickets from Awesome Support
* Migrate Tickets from SupportCandy
* Bug Fixes and Improvements