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Fluent Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder

Fluent Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder 5.2.10 NULLED

= 5.2.10 (Date: January 07, 2025) =
- Fixes submission view user map location
- Fixes Constant Contact empty custom field
- Fixes block editor multiple new line
- Fixes payment summary subscription plan name
= 5.2.9 (Date: January 06 , 2025) =
- Adds Repeater Container Field
- Adds User Map Location in Submission
- Fixes ChatGPT form creation empty label and name
- Fixes taxonomy field placeholder
- Fixes radio buttons layout with smart UI
- Fixes user registration & update with admin approval by choosing bulk action ‘mark as approved’
- Fixes user registration payment status change manually
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Reactions: Kensei1212
= 5.2.7 (Date: December 05, 2024) =
- Fixed license activation issue due to php_version method
- Fixed Save & Resume date field fetch with advanced date field configuration
- Fixed item quantity in the calculation dropdown
- Fixed Drip integration account status
- Fixed range slider validation in conversational form
- Fixed Custom style export style break
= 5.2.5 (Date: November 19, 2024) =
- Adds hook to inject a subscription cancellation message for custom payment method
- Adds API log support for non-async integrations
- Adds landing page share option on All Forms page
- Improved Constant Contact integration to V3
- Improved translations
- Fixes Square integration script enqueue issue in live mode
- Fixes big integer values for payment item prices
- Fixes duplicate post creation on forms with admin-approval and double opt-in enabled
- Fixes partial entries file uploads data population
- Fixes missing paragraphs in ChatGPT form generation
- Fixes not changing Salesforce integration sandbox selection
- Fixes Airtable integration for long text fields with rich text enabled
= 5.2.3 (Date: September 30, 2024) =
- Add Paddle payment method
- Adds Square inline payment integration
- Adds Metabox for user registration and updates
- Adds dynamic default values for dynamic fields
- Improved dynamic fields CSV with a delimiter option
- Improved dynamic repeater field SmartCode
- Improved repeater field accessibility
- Fixes rich text data handling for partial entries
- Fixes issue with Zapier entry action resends
- Fixes SmartCode issue with post permalinks
- Fixes issue with TranslatePress shortcode in double optin confirmation messages
- Fixes validation error on single payment stockout messages
- Fixes required validation for featured images in post updates
- Fixes issue with temporary directory files not being deleted on AWS S3
- Fixes image preview style issues in 4, 5, and 6-column layouts
- Fixes radio field button type custom style
= 5.2.0 (Date: Aug 7, 2024) =
- Adds dynamic field
- Adds Image/File dropzone
- Adds advanced filter for entries
- Adds admin notification for Save & Resume
- Adds ACF & JetEngine meta on user registration & update
- Adds Vietnamese language support
- Update Save & Resume button for only logged-in user option
- Improves user update integration mapping
- Improves OnePageCRM integration
- Improves delete option on quiz setting
- Fixes EUR currency subscription pending on Paypal
- Fixes payment info on conditional Stripe embedded checkout
- Fixes Stripe embedded checkout link option removal
- Fixes payment items empty label quantity mapping
- Fixes subscription from entry status change
- Fixes inventory management 'Show Available Stock'
- Fixes radio button size not showing on styler
- Fixes advanced report data accuracy upto 2 digits after decimal
- Fixes Hong Kong's phone numbers validation
- Fixes JetEngine checkbox meta
- Fixes Airtable integration phone number & number failure
- Fixes GoogleMaps retrieval on address single subfield
- Fixes user update repopulate meta key on address and name field
- Fixes custom submit button colour picker uniform design
- Fixes spout package conflict on entries export
- Fixes server disabled u_name() function
= 5.1.19 (Date: June 27, 2024)
- Fixes Razorpay & Paystack payment modal initialization
- Fixes Quiz questions condition (Includes All)
- Fixes Salesforce refresh token for sandbox account
= 5.1.10 (Date: February 26, 2024) =
- Adds Range slider support for quantity Field
- Fixes PayPal payment IPN issue
- Fixes payment summery shortcode on email
- Fixes quiz advanced condition mismatch
- Fixes Quiz Result shortcode {quiz_result} in PDF
- Fixes payment debug log info
- Improves Airtable Phone Field with validation
- Improves Admin Approval to support User registration Integration
- Adds (.wav) file support
= 5.1.6 (Date: December 2, 2023) =
- Fixes Paypal custom payment issue
- Fixes personality quiz conversational issue
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