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Fluent Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder

Fluent Forms Pro - WordPress Form Builder 5.2.10 NULLED

= 5.1.5 (Date: November 23, 2023) =
- Fixes Notion multi select
= 5.1.3 (Date: November 22, 2023) =
- Adds support ACF field on Post revision & ACF rich-text value on Post Update Form
- Improves Gravity Forms migration entries by status
- Improves WP Forms migration fetch webhook feed
- Improves AirTable integration
- Fixes null value on mapping Post create feed
- Fixes inventory quantity field issue
- Fixes range slider required field value on render
- Fixes temp attachment files deletion
- Fixes checkable grid and repeater field data format on webhook
- Fixes google address autocomplete on elementor popup
  • Like
Reactions: Kensei1212
= 5.1.1 (Date: November 4, 2023) =
- Improves custom CSS & JS loading
= 5.1.0 (Date: November 1, 2023) =
- Adds Notion Integration
- Adds Personality Type Quiz
- Adds success and failure message option for coupon
- Adds form submission restriction based on IP and Country
- Fixes dynamic default value of single payment item
- Fixes Conditional shortcode empty condition
- Fixes unique email checking for pending payment
- Fixes file/image on step form partial entry view & front end
- Fixes PHP 8+ issue for quiz advanced scoring
- Fixes CleverReach endpoint
- Fixes displaying password in partial entries
- Improves ACF Support (checkbox, multi-select, ACF image for user registration and update)
= 5.0.10 (Date: October 18, 2023) =
- Adds form preview in Gutenberg block
- Adds form theme change support in Gutenberg block
- Adds theme style inherit option
- Fixed Form finder
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
= 5.0.9 (Date: September 8, 2023) =
- Added selected fields export from entries page with additional fields
- Updated support PHP 8.2
- Fixes save form state issue
  • Like
Reactions: steel
= 5.0.8 (Date: August 24, 2023) =
- Adds Inventory Details Page
- Adds Inventory Item Disable option when item is stock out
- Adds ACF repeater field on post update
- Improves formatted email for failed integration notification
- Improves Airtable integration with latest API
- Improves Phone Field’s validation library (supports more carrier)
- Fixes checkable fields payment calculation issue in Conversational Form
- Fixes landing page style after double opt-in confirmation
- Fixes Pipedrive custom fields
- Fixes payment method required
- Fixes Platformly tags and integration disconnect
- Fixes rendering custom payment field in calculation
- Fixes conditional step form not skipping with image is used as button
- Fixes payment module deactivation issue with inventory
- Fixes Salesforce required field and currency code issue
- Fixes landing page facebook share image preview
- Fixes numeric field in quiz
  • Like
Reactions: steel and Matrox
= 5.0.7 (Date: July 18, 2023) =
- Fixes LiteSpeed caching issue
- Fixes dynamic shortcode bug
- Fixes style issues
- Fixes PDF issue for checkbox field
- Fixes post update issue for block themes
- Fixes conditional issue for payment items
- Fixes Double Opt-In save issue
- Fixes entry export filter issue
- Improves email on iOS devices
  • Like
Reactions: steel
= 5.0.2 (Date: Jun 23, 2023) =
- Fixed UI issues with Conversational Forms
- Fixed Styling issues from 5.0.0
- Stripe Subscription Payment Issues Fixed
- Advanced Calculation issues fixed
  • Like
Reactions: steel and Capcan