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Flangapp - SAAS Online app builder from website script

Flangapp - SAAS Online app builder from website script v2.0.3

26.08.2024 (version 2.0.3 PRO)
Code change:
- update Codeigniter version
- update vue.js 2 to vue.js 3
- update vuetifyjs to 3.0.0
- update Snack SDK to 5.0.0-preview.2
- update flutter to version 3.19.0
- update OneSignal SDK to latest
Business logic:
- change payment system from build payment to subscribe payment
- change payment mehods: available Stripe, Razorpay, YooKassa
- android signing keys manager
- ios signing keys manager
- change PUSH newsletter logic without customer Onesignal key (only android)
- update permissions manager
- bug fixes
- other changes. Check demo

15.08.2022 (version 1.7.0)
- rsa file generator for ios signing
- preview SDK update for starter script package