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Filter Everything — WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter

Filter Everything — WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter 1.8.9 NULLED

= 1.8.9 =
*Release Date - 20 January 2025*

* Dev - Added ability to make Color swatches rounded
* Fix - Added fix for the LiveCanvas page builder that uses … in query vars
* Fix - Small CSS fixes for range slider, widget element margins.
* Fix - Fixed bug in JS code for the mobile widget button counter ((18)) issue
* Fix - Fixed bug related with Woodmart theme and nested meta queries
* Fix - Fixed bug with empty Parent filter label
* Fix - Fixed bug with Elementor and Seo Description
* Fix - Fixed bug with Elementor pagination e.g. "e-page-5dabfd1=2"
= 1.8.8 =
*Release Date - 07 November 2024*
* Fix - Fixed bug with sorting method
* Tweak - Added attribute all="true" for the [fe_posts_found] shortcode that counts all posts for all Filter Sets on a page
= 1.8.7 =
*Release Date - 29 October 2024*
* Dev - Added compatibility with pagination in Query Loop block
* Tweak - Added hook to the canonical tag to allow to handle it on the filtering result pages with noindex status
* Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_swatch_image_size'
* Fix - Fixed issues with Select2 dropdowns after WooCommerce update to the > 9.0.0
* Fix - Fixed style issues with the Avada theme
* Fix - Fixed issue with new plugin version details at the plugins screen in the admin dashboard
* Fix - Fixed compatibility with the Load more button/Infinite scroll in Elementor
* Fix - Fixed bug with sorting terms
= 1.8.6 =
*Release Date - 18 July 2024*

* Dev - Added ability to translate SEO Rules with Polylang
* Fix - Fixed compatibility issue with Polylang plugin
* Fix - Fixed the ability to rewrite functions wrapped with function_exists()
* Fix - Fixed small issue with terms order equal to the order in ACF field
* Fix - Fixed issue with text search through filtered posts and apostrophe character
* Tweak - Added hooks 'wpc_taxonomy_location_terms', 'wpc_post_type_location_terms', 'wpc_author_location_terms'
= 1.8.5 =
*Release Date - 15 May 2024*

* Dev - Added "Labels for Chips" option to configure chip labels
* Dev - Added "Dropdown Label" option
* Tweak - The "Show in Chips" option was hidden due to lack of demand
* Tweak - Now default terms order in a Custom Field is the same as in ACF field
* Tweak - If ACF field terms have labels, they displays in the Filters widget instead of values
* Fix - Fixed issue with WPML and Homepage in different languages
= 1.8.3 =
*Release Date - 14 February 2024*

* Dev - Increased plugin performance and made faster it up to 10 times
* Fix - Added compatibility with PHP > 8.1, removed FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING error
* Fix - Fixed bug with Date view available by default in a filter
* Fix - Fixed the issue with products with empty '_sale_price' meta values and wrong On sale counters
* Fix - Fixed issue with a parent filter, when current WordPress term archive page is selected term in the parent filter
* Fix - Fixed bug when the only Search Field presents in a Filter Set
* Fix - Fixed issues with Polylang plugin when language functions are not defined
* Fix - Fixed issue with double click on the Apply Button after using the Search Field
* Fix - Set correct permissions for the /assets dir
* Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_plugin_user_caps' to allow to modify user roles that can use the plugin
* Tweak - Made AJAX loading circle thinner
= 1.8.1 =
*Release Date - 10 January 2024*
* Fix - Fixed warning message on the login screen
* Fix - Fixed issue with resetting filters cache
= 1.7.15 =
*Release Date - 01 August 2023*

* Dev - Added Spanish translation
* Dev - Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.3
* Fix - Added 301 redirect to canonical URL with (or without) correct user trailing slash on filtering pages
* Fix - Added hook 'wpc_do_filter_request' to the collectFilteredPostsIds(); method to fix term counter
* Fix - Fixed hover "checked" effect for Color swatches on mobile devices
* Fix - Improved On Sale and Regular price translations for On Sale filter
* Tweak - Added hook 'wpc_set_min_max' to modify the $min_and_max array
* Tweak - Sorted Filter and SEO Rule terms alphabetically for greater convenience
= 1.7.12 =
*Release Date - 19 June 2023*

* Tweak - Added the "How to?" Meta box on the Filter Set edit screen for quick help with popular questions
* Tweak - Added German translation. Thanks to Daniel (microteq)
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