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[FF] Showcase Enhancements

Xenforo [FF] Showcase Enhancements 1.2.2

License Information
Compatible XF Versions 2.2
Visible Branding No
Additional Requirements Bob's Showcase 3.2.18+
A number of enhancements for Showcase.

Thread Display:
  • Remove first post - The first post is just a post telling you there has been a new item posted, which is just a waste of space, so it's outta there!
  • Add reactions to main item content - Adds the reaction bar back to the main item content, so users can like it without needing to click "Overview".
  • Replace "update" posts with the actual update - Now you can see the update inline with the rest of the thread's posts, rather than needing to click a link to go there.** This doesn't work retro-actively ** A new field ff_se_discussion_post_id is added to the xf_xa_sc_item_update table - you can go back and fill these in manually if you want.
    The div id is maintained so post links will still work.
    Reactions are linked directly to the update itself and not the replaced post :)
    Note: You will need to have Showcase option "Display sections 1-6 content on thread" enabled for this to work properly.
  • Replace "review" posts with the actual review - As above, but this time putting the review inline.
  • ** Cheeky Bonus ** - New option in the Showcase options section called "Add Items Directly from Forum Listing". As the name suggests, it adds a new button alongside the current "Post thread" button, allowing you to create an item directly. Just select which forums you want this button to appear in.

Linked Prefixes:

At the moment, the Showcase auto-created thread prefix can only be set by category - this add-on allows you to set the thread prefix by Showcase prefix instead, falling back to category if no association set.

(Find the option at the bottom of the edit prefix page)

Screen Shots:

Inline Update:

The first post is a standard "Update" post before this addon was installed, the next is an inline update, followed by a standard reply.

[FF] Showcase Enhancements
  • [FF] Showcase Enhancements1.png
    [FF] Showcase Enhancements1.png
    36.8 KB · Views: 32
  • [FF] Showcase Enhancements2.png
    [FF] Showcase Enhancements2.png
    8.3 KB · Views: 32
  • Like
Reactions: raz0r
  • Version 1.2.2
  • Downloads 15
  • Views 735
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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