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Extra Product Options & Add-Ons for WooCommerce

Extra Product Options & Add-Ons for WooCommerce 7.0

Version 7.0 – March 12, 2025​

Fixed an issue where the suffixes {price_excluding_tax} and {price_including_tax} were not being correctly replaced in addon prices.
Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing and Discounts.
Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Subscriptions when addon are set as required signup fees.
The slider can will now auto hide slides that its elements are hidden.
Fixed several issues with conditional logic when using product elements in which the products share the same global form.
Fixed aa issue where the tax suffixes were mistakenly being showed on the option prices instead of only on the final total.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic not working correctly when product elements shared the same global form.
Fixed a price display issue when using repeaters with math formula.
Fixed compatibility with Advanced Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce Pro.
Shortcodes now work in conditional logic values.
Fixed an issue that was preventing correct calculations from data gathered by product attributes.
Fixed an issue on how weight is calculated on the checkout.
Backend UI fixes.
Fixed an issue that prevented conditional logic from functioning when an empty template element was used.
Fixed an issue where associated products out of stock displayed as having a price.
Conditional logic can now be set based on quantity, product id or variation id.

Version 6.5.1 – November 20, 2024​

Fixed an issue with lazy loading on variable products.
Fixed an issue with upload elements when using repeaters.

Version 6.5 – October 27, 2024​

Fixed an issue where a section was incorrectly hidden even when containing non post elements.
Fixed an issue with the fee display on the final total.
Fixed a calculation issue on WooCommerce bookings when using percentage price types.
Fixed an issue when calculating lengths for utf8 characters.
Fixes select box option groups separators.
Fixed string operations to support UTF-8.

Version 6.4.6 – June 22, 2024​

The calculation mode of the dynamic element can now display the result as a price.
Added support for constants to return strings instead of only a number.
Fixed an issue with the variation swatches not displaying the custom height properly.
Fixed an issue where repeater elements connecting to conditional logic were creating a fatal error.
Fixed an issue where elements were loosing their selected visual appearance when the connecting elements in their math formula were changing values.
Fixed an issue with the multiple upload when used on ajax add to cart solutions.
Fixed an issue where moving slider tabs were removing conditional logic.
Dynamic Calculation elements now correctly don't get displayed in the backend order.
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Reactions: MarkDragon

Version 6.4.5 – April 05, 2024​

Fixed an issue where using special characters in backend labels.
Fixed an issue where the logic was breaking in the backend when deleting section tabs or adding elements in section tabs.
Fixed an issue where the product was able to be added to the cart without filling required options.
Fixed the display of the calculations for the dynamic element.

Version 6.4 – December 5, 2023​

You can now change an element type in the builder.
Added the option to display the quantity in a floating box when it exceeds one.
Introduced support for JetEngine data shortcodes.
Ensured compatibility with WooCommerce 8.x.
Implemented the ability to customize shipping methods based on selected options.
Resolved compatibility issues with Dynamic Pricing and Discounts.
Resolved compatibility with Fancy Product Designer.
Fixed a calculation issue involving the "^" operator in mathematical formulas.
Addressed a problem with global forms and WPML when directly assigned to a product.
Rectified an issue when ACF shortcodes were used in AJAX queries.
Enhanced conditional logic, now supporting multiple groups.
The "Price display override" setting now influences generated product structured data when "Alter generated product structured data" is enabled.
Lookup table axes can now include strings.
Implemented automatic deletion of uploaded files when a product is removed from the cart.
Streamlined and optimized the codebase for improved performance and easier maintenance.
PHP 8.2 compatibility.
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Reactions: MarkDragon

Version 6.3 – April 04, 2022​

Fixed an issue when using repeaters on upload elements.
Fixed an issue on the product element where loaded items were hidden.
Fixed a price display issue when using variable products in the product element.
Fixed the disabled addons setting on the product element when using checkboxes layout mode.
Fixed an issue with conditional logic not working when using product elements that have variable products with conditional logic.
Fixed an issue where the vat options total was not being displayed correctly.
Fixed an issue where the math formula was return incorrect results when using {this.count}.
Added the concat function in math formula to join strings.
Added setting to exclude the addons from the associated product discount.
Added export csv feature for lookup tables.
Added setting to trim zeros in prices.
Fixed tax display on associated products.

Version 6.2 – December 26, 2022​

Fixed compatibility with Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
Fixed a conflict with WPML compatibility where the translation priority was showing all global forms on a product.
Fixed an issue with the math formula when not using dot as a decimal separator.
Fixed an issue with the math formula with functions when the WooCommerce decimal separator is a comma.
Fixed an issue with the math formula when comparing something with a string.
Fixed an issue where on some servers incorrect data returned by the server were breaking the conditional logic on the backend.
Fixed an issue where the minimum limit on product elements was not working correctly.
Fixed an issue when importing lookup tables where some servers returned a 500 error.
Fixed an issue where the system style for the time element was not being shown.
Fixed an issue where the exported currency prices were not imported correctly.
Fixed an issue with the date element element that was not accepting certain dates when using the Exclude disabled setting.
Fixed an issue where when using shortcodes in formulas they did not work.
Fixed several issues with the product element display.
Fixed several issues with the product not displaying correct taxed prices.
Fixed the required setting to work correctly on product elements.
You can now hide associated products from the cart, checkout and order with emails.
You can now add a separator to radio buttons and checkboxes.
You can now set a section to have a tabbed interface.
The plugin interface on the product page can now be visible per user role.
The repeater now works with WooCommerce Bookings persons as the quantity.
Added setting to hide the add to cart button until all required elements are chosen.
Added setting to control the use of cdn of WP Rocket and Jetpack.
Added notification when an element was removed from the cart after it was changed by an administrator.
Added price override display for shop, archive and product loop pages.
Added setting to disable the addons for the product element.
Added compatibility flag with WooCommerce HPOS.

Version 6.1.1 – September 13, 2022​

Fixed an issue in the math formula when using comparison operators.
Fixed several edge cases in the math formula.
Fixed an issue where the responsive class was not being printed in the cart.
Fixed an issue when duplicating global forms.
You can now connect different radio button elements in order to select a single choice.