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EventPlus - Event Management System PHP (Codeigniter) - Online Ticket Purchase System

EventPlus - Event Management System PHP (Codeigniter) - Online Ticket Purchase System 2.1


EventPlus is a script built with codeigniter php framework. You can manage a complete event or conference using this php script. Visitors or attendees can book their ticket via online using the online payment gateways like PayPal, stripe etc.

This CMS can easily be modified by most of the developers due to clean and easy coding system. It is strong against web vulnerabilities; and your website will be safe. Also in all pages, admin level security and invalid page url submission checking were done.

The important features of this script are:
  1. Easy and simple interface to use
  2. Fully responsive for any kind of device
  3. Modern Design with Bootstrap 4
  4. Clean and understandable coding
  5. Secured coding against web vulnerabilities
  6. Direct access or invalid URL press stopped for each pages
  7. Language Change Option in admin panel
  8. RTL Layout supports
  9. Email Setting with SMTP Configuration
  10. Payment setting
  11. Online Ticket Selling
  12. PayPal and Stripe Integration
  13. Statistics of data in dashboard
  14. Home page sections show and hide features
  15. Home page sections manage
  16. Newsletter subscription system
  17. Sending emails to subscribers from back end
  18. Unlimited sponsors category management
  19. Unlimited sponsors management
  20. Unlimited speakers management
  21. Unlimited photo upload and management
  22. Unlimited video management (youtube code)
  23. Unlimited organizers management
  24. Unlimited accommodation management
  25. Unlimited parking place management
  26. Unlimited location management
  27. Admin panel login photo manage
  28. Admin panel forget password option
  29. Title and Meta Description setup for SEO of each pages
  30. SEO friendly URL structure
  31. Google Recaptcha for contact form
  32. Recaptcha On and Off system
  33. Tawk Live Chat Option
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