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eShop Web - Multi Vendor eCommerce Marketplace / PHP CMS System

eShop Web - Multi Vendor eCommerce Marketplace / PHP CMS System 2.10.0 NULLED

Version 2.10.0​

( updated on 23-Sep-2024 )

Changelog for v2.10.0
+ [Added] Feature to divide orders into parcels seller-wise and item-wise
+ [Added] Added system health check option
+ [Added] Fixed refer and earn functionality
+ [improvement] Improvements in the overall security of the system
+ [improvement] Updated stripe library
+ [improvement] Added an option to add delivery charges city-wise
+ [improvement] Improved ticketing and chat system
+ [Fixed] Bugs fixes and code improvements

Version 2.9.3​

( updated on 13-Aug-2024 )

Changelog for v2.9.3
+ [Added] Added remaining notification
+ [Added] Added bulk download option for products and zipcodes
+ [Added] Added bulk delete option for media and zip code
+ [improvement] Improvement in add/update attribute
+ [improvement] Improvement in delete data
+ [improvement] Fix dynamic web language issue
+ [improvement] Improvement in cart sidebar for variant product
+ [improvement] improvement in tickets and chat
+ [Fixed] Bugs fixes and code improvements

Version 2.9.0​

( updated on 19-Mar-2024 )

+ [Added] Dynamic option to choose the deliverability checking either via city or zipcode
+ [Added] Added Buy now functionality
+ [improvement] Made whole Compatible with PHP version 8.3
+ [improvement] Added an option to set the price decimal dynamically
+ [improvement] Improvement in price total issues
+ [improvement] Added "Add Address" feature in checkout page.
+ [improvement] improvement in authentication
+ [Fixed] Bugs fixes and code improvements

Version 2.8.1​

( updated on 11-Dec-2023 )

+ [Added] PhonePe payment gateway
+ [Added] Product Statistics
+ [Added] Re-ordering Functionality
+ [Added] Seller details page
+ [improvement] Bulk Upload and update
+ [Fixed] Bugs fixes and code improvements

Version 2.5.0​

( updated on 03-May-2023 )

[Added] Social Login (with Google and Facebook)
[Upgraded] Order Return Flow
[Upgraded] JWT token authentication system
[Improved] Front-end design
[Other] Small bugs resolved

Version 2.3.0​

( updated on 16-Jan-2023 )

+ Converted the system and support for PHP 8.1
+ UI Improvements for admin + seller + delivery boy panel
+ Added Forgot password option for admin + seller + delivery boy panel
+ Other improvements and bug fixes.

Version 2.0.8​

( updated on 28-Oct-2022 )

+ Added Midtrans payment gateway
+ Checkout issue resolved
+ Other improvements and bug fixes.