• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.

Version 2.2.0​

+ [Added] Phonepe Payment Gateway Integration
+ [Added] Renew Item
+ [Added] Authentication enable/disable
+ [Added] Seller rating list display
+ [Added] Rating Report
+ [Improvement] Offer notification redirection in chat item
+ [Improvement] Deeplink share
+ [Improvement] Filter tree category fix in admin panel
+ [Improvement] Language translation new label improvement
+ [Improvement] Improve Watermark image
+ [Improvement] Make contact Number as optional in Registration
+ [Improvement] Send Notification on Seller Verification Request Status change
+ [Improvement] Infinity scroll remove and add load more in web home page
+ [Improvement] Product detail page image should show full and with next and prev
+ [Improvement] Change in the Filter tree flow
+ [Improvement] All category name-wise items in app
+ [Improvement] Pagination added in chat list and chat messages

Version 2.1.0​

( updated on 29-Sept-2024 )

+ [Added] Nearby Ads with KM Range
+ [Added] Option to Hide/Show Personal Details of Seller
+ [Added] Activate free package for only one time
+ [Added] Watermark on Images
+ [Added] Native Ads
+ [Added] Auto Generate Slug
+ [Added] Seller Profile and Ratings
+ [Improvement] Paystack Mobile Money
+ [Improvement] Featured Subscription plan UI Change
+ [Added] Filter to Only Country , State and City
+ [Added] Category and custom field-wise filter
+ [Added] Allow users to chat without making an offer
+ [Added] User verification
+ [Added] Add dynamic SEO to the website
+ [Improvement] Improve home page access flow (without location static pages should be accessible)
+ [Improvement] ERROR messages in location and auth in web
+ [Improvement] Ad Expiry days in Package
+ [Improvement] Send Notification on Make Offer
+ [Improvement] Category View UI changes
+ [Improvement] Dashboard improvement in admin panel
+ [Improvement] Language menu UX Improvement
+ [Added] Default lat and long set if location is not selected
v2.0.0 - ( updated on 08-July-2024 )
+ [Added] Web Version
+ [Improvement] Multi-Device Notification Support (App & Web)
+ [Improvement] Recursive Category Fetching using Mysql 8 CTE functions (Admin Panel & API)
+ [Fix] Company Name change (Admin Panel)
+ [Fix] Other Known Issues
v1.1.0 - ( updated on 12-June-2024 )
+ [Added] Blog management (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Razorpay Payment Gateway (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Paystack Payment Gateway (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Custom Country , State , City , Area management instead of place API from google (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Assign Package to Customer using Cash & Cheque (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] FAQ management - (Admin Panel)
+ [Added] Category Option added in Slider (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Improvement] Multilingual Category names (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Improvement] System Settings & Languages added in Caching for better speed - (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Rejected item reason message in Admin panel - (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Custom Field Search Functionality - (App)
+ [Improvement] Slug in Category (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Slug in Item (App)
+ [Improvement] Delete Item button (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Single account login even if user is login through (Email , Phone , Google) (APP)
+ [Improvement] User & Item Active / Inactive options (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Flutter version compatibility upgraded to 3.22.1 (App)
- [Fix] FCM Notification up-gradation (Admin Panel)
- [Fix] Other known bug fixes (Admin Panel + App)
1.0.2 Update Details:
+ [Added] Block User Functionality (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] User Safety Tips (Admin Panel + App)
+ [Added] Admob Settings (Admin Panel)
+ [Added] Video link functionality (App)
- [Fix] User Signup issue when login using Phone Number (API)
+ [Improvement] Package Pricing Calculation & UI (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Default logo added for English Language (Admin Panel)
+ [Improvement] Reported Ads Functionality (App)
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