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JSN Project
Easy Profile Pro.png

Easy Profile Pro is a powerful component for Joomla that allows you to profile users by using custom fields.

Custom Fields​

Profiled your users by creating custom fields. You can choose to create the following types of fields: text, textarea/editor, image, select (dropdown), radio, checkbox, email, date (calendar), number, phone, GoogleMaps (Pro version only), hidden, link, HTML delimiter, file.

Avatar with Crop & Webcam​

Easy Profile allows users to configure their own avatar. We have developed a Crop and Webcam function,with this you can retrieve your avatar from webcam and crop image.

Privacy Control​

Easy Profile allows you to decide whether the user can set privacy for each field.

Joomla Registration & Edit Profile, MVC model, Override Template​

The development of Easy Profile seen in seamless integration with Joomla API. The user registration and profile modification are those of native Joomla. This allows us to have a guarantee on the security and lighten the load on the CSS Stylesheet. Easy Profile integrates seamlessly into the native user management of Joomla.

Name Style​

One of the limitations of Joomla is the name of the user,it uses a single field to profile the user name. With Easy Profile you can outline the name you want (first name, middle nameand surname).

Registration & Edit Profile Tabs View with StepByStep Registration​

You can set the layout for registration and editing the profile by breaking it down into tabs. In this way,each group of fields will be presented in a tab.

Login Type​

You can choose to login via username, email or both.

Content Plugin​

With Content Plugin you can insert any user custom field into article,or in any position where Joomla contents plugins are triggered.

Joomla Native Multilanguage​

The field labels,descriptions,field options and everything else included are translated from native multilingual system of Joomla.

Author Plugin​

With the Author Plugin you can insert a link to profile to each article.

Search Module​

Put a module with form to search your users

Joomla Articles Integration​

You can see user articles on Profile Page with our Joomla Articles tab plugin.

Joomla Contacts Component Integration​

If user is linked to contact you will see a direct link to contact page on User Profile Page.

Many Integrations...​

Now we have ready integrations with Acymailing, UddeIM, Kunena,EasyDiscuss, EasyBlog, Komento, Joomgallery,JReviews....and many more on the way!!
  • Version 2.10.1
  • Downloads 75
  • Views 663
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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