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Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
PHP Version: 7.4+ WordPress Version: 5.3 or greater. Tested up to: 6.7
[NEW] Added setting to automatically delete backup records if the archive doesn’t exist in any storage.
[NEW] Added a button on the “Tools” page that can delete all backup records that don’t exist in any storage.
[NEW] Added support for DUPLICATOR_TABLE_VALIDATION_FILTER_LIST constant in wp-config.php to exclude specific tables from database validation, preventing false positives on frequently changing tables like access logs.
[UPD] Disable new backup creation when a backup is currently being canceled.
[UPD] Dropped support for PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1,7.2, 7.3
[UPD] Dropped support for WordPress 4.9, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2
[UPD] Updated Requests Library to version 2.0,14
[UPD] Updated CronExpression Library to version 3.4.0
[UPD] Updated PHPSECLIB Library to version 3.0.43
[UPD] Updated GOOGLE SDK to version 2.16.1
[UPD] Updated AWS SDK to version 3.336.10
[UPD] Updated DROPBOX SDK to version 1.21.2
[UPD] Fixed plugin problem if MBSTRING library is not enabled. (including polyfill-mbstring in plugin core)
[UPD] Optimized the external libraries organization by reducing the space occupied by Duplicator by more than 4MB.
[UPD] Use the WP Org\Requests library for OneDrive adapter.
[UPD] Improved trace log for AJAX call failures.
[UPD] Improved the tools page UI.
[UPD] Removed some tests in the backup scan because they are no longer needed after the minimum requirements update.
[UPD] Improved the validation of the “max worker time” advanced backup option and its description.
[UPD]: Improved trace log. Now, more files are created for the old trace until a maximum limit is reached which more be set, the default is 10MB.
[UPD] Now, when a backup fails because the license has expired, it is handled like other failures, so a message appears in the backend, and an email is sent.
[UPD] Improved trace log in case of license status change.
[FIX] Added restrictions for Basic and Plus users on multisites.
[FIX] Fixed an issue where, in a certain case, the status of the package in the backups screen wouldn’t update if it was built via the scheduled “Run Now” functionality.
[FIX] Fixed false warning message for Default Local storage when the Max Backups setting is set to unlimited.
[FIX] Fixed an issue with default storage settings update during settings migration.
[FIX] Improved email summary report in case of deleted storages.
[FIX] Fixed issue related to not being able to download files from OneDrive to the website.
[UPD] Updated Minimum requirements to PHP 7.4.
[UPD] Updated the wp-config-sample.php file to the latest version.
[FIX] Now the index.php file after a migration is correctly updated using DIR instead of dirname(FILE), this used to cause some false positives with some security plugins like WordFence.
PHP Version: 5.6.20+ WordPress Version: 4.9 or greater Tested up to: 6.6
[NEW] New UI/UX Layout – Redesigned the plugin layout to offer a more modern and intuitive user interface, enhancing the overall user experience.
[NEW] Unified Styles – Standardized visual styles throughout the plugin to ensure aesthetic consistency across different sections, making the interface more visually appealing and easier to navigate.
[NEW] Standard Color Schemes with Semantic Meaning – Introduced new standard color schemes with clear semantic meanings to improve visual understanding and information accessibility.
[NEW]: Add the option to reload license data in case of issues by clearing the cache.
[NEW] Addition of Descriptive Tooltips – Added numerous descriptive tooltips to provide contextual information to users, making the plugin easier to use, especially for new users.
[UPD] Reorganization of Menus and Pages – Reorganized navigation menus and internal pages for a more logical structure and simplified navigation.
[UPD] Accessibility Improvements – Enhanced the accessibility of the interface through improvements to navigation elements and text readability.
[FIX] Bug Fixes and Minor Improvements – Resolved numerous minor fixes and bugs in all sections of the plugin to improve stability and reliability.
[FIX]: Fixed the creation time in dynamic names that were misaligned with the actual creation date in some cases.
[FIX]: Fixed Dropbox storage expiration issue.
[FIX]: Update the license messages for expired licenses for users who do not have the ability to manage licenses.