• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked! For more information about rules, limits, and more, visit the Help page.
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  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
2024-10-09 - Version 3.7
* new - Campaign Categories.
* new - Campaign Description & Short Description.
* new - Option to make a campaign featured.
* new - Add new block for all campaigns.
* new - Add new block for specifically for featured campaigns.
* new - Add coloum for recurring in reports.
* new - Add filter to make credit card processing fees required.
* new - Add loader animation when donate button is clicked.
* new - Social Share bar options.
* new - Campaign Timer Display Types.
* fix - General setting tab on translation.
* fix - fee_type on thankyou page.
* fix - Columns for attachments.
* fix - gutenburg block js loaded on frontend (wooc-1723).
* fix - subcription issue fixed on user end settings.
* update - Edit frontend ordering for list and grid view.
* update - Declared compatibility with Subscriptions For WooCommerce.
2023-11-08 - version 3.5.1
* update - Enhanced code optimization and strengthened security measures.
2023-10-26 - version 3.5
* new - Tribute wall.
* new - Cart campaign display location.
* new - Cart campaign display type page/popup.
* new - Cart campaign format type.
* new - Checkout campaign display location.
* new - Compatibility with Product Vendors.
* new - Compatibility with Dokan.
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