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DomainsKit - Toolkit for Domains by BitFlan

DomainsKit - Toolkit for Domains by BitFlan 2.8 NULLED

v 2.8
Fixed issue with UTF-8 Characters in Pages
Fixed issue with UTF-8 Characters in Blog Posts
  • Like
Reactions: Khalequzzaman
v 2.7.1
Database Hotfix
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Reactions: MarkDragon
v 2.6
Added SEO Keywords in Admin Section.
Fixed Issues with Blog.
Fixed Issues with Pages.
Added Option to Hide Buy Button.
Added Option to Hide Whois Buttons.
Added Option to Hide Prices.
Removed Duplicate TLDs From the Domain Generator.
Overall optimized version to date.
v 2.5

Fixed issues with currency settings.
Fixed issues with IP Lookup & Domain Location.
Made changes for SEO Optimization.
Optimized Installation Process.
Added Images ALT & Title Tags.
Added canonical Links to prevent content duplication.
Fixed blog posts not published by default.
Added cookies consent alert on the front end.
Added more TLDs in the domain generator.
Fixed some 404 pages that were not redirecting properly.
Fixed some Front-end UX/UI Bugs.
Added two new TLDs PK, and AI (You can add as many from admin).
Overall much more stable and optimized version to date.
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Reactions: knowinsurances