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Doctreat - Doctors Directory WordPress Theme

Doctreat - Doctors Directory WordPress Theme 1.6.5

Release 1.6.5(15 October 2024)​

1. Resolved several style-related issues to improve the visual experience
2. Introduced compatibility with the Meet Press Addon (Paid)

Release 1.6.2(20 July 2024)​

1. Fixed styling issues on user profiles.
2. Resolved the confirmation modal issue on user profiles.
3. Updated Twitter tweets class variable definitions for PHP 8.2 compatibility.
4. Improved compatibility with Elementor for header and footer elements.

Release 1.6.1(18 May 2024)​

-- Updated the DOMPDF library to resolve the PDF download issue.
-- Implemented fixes for compatibility with the latest WordPress version.
-- Added new options within the shortcodes.
-- Resolved various style-related issues.
-- Updated deprecated PHP functions in the supporting plugins.
-- Doctreat core plugin updated 1.6.1
-- Doctreat cron plugin update 1.6.1

Release 1.6.0(20 March 2023)​

-- Social profile links enabled for the hospitals
-- The Default avatar issue in the hospital's profile issue has been fixed
-- WooCommerce compatibility issues have been fixed
-- Elementor compatibility issue has been fixed
-- Doctreat core plugin updated 1.6.0
-- Doctreat cron plugin update 1.6.0
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Reactions: edgars221289

Release 1.5.9(13 October 2022)​

-- Download prescription PDF issue has been fixed
-- WP Guppy admin notice dismissable settings have been added
-- Doctreat core plugin updated 1.5.9
-- Doctreat cron plugin update 1.5.9