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DMU Discount campaigns

PrestaShop DMU Discount campaigns 3.1.0

Dream me up

Improve customer loyalty and boost sales with attractive promotions! Put an end to the stress of the approaching sales season. Quick and efficient, this module lets you apply all the discounts you want to a selection of products.

Helping you succeed with your promotions
With the help of the module developed by Dream me up, you can quickly create promotions that encourage purchases.
Tackle your sales and promotional campaigns with confidence! Select products, apply the amount or % discount in one click, program your campaign in advance and stay relaxed!
The DMU Promotional Campaign module puts an end to stressful periods in the run-up to sales. Fast and efficient, this module lets you apply all the discounts you want to a selection of products.

Anticipate your promotional campaigns with peace of mind!
Manage your sales and promotions in advance! You can create multiple promotional campaigns in advance, defining start and end dates and times.
With a single click, you can apply discounts to a selection of products, or to categories in bulk, by scheduling them in advance:
  • Customizable: Assign a campaign name and define its duration (start and end dates and times). Note that you can correct your campaign dates at any time.
  • Instinctive: Search for products by category, name, or reference in the free field, with the option of selecting multiple products and product variations.
  • Flexible: Define the amount or percentage of discount to be applied. New prices are displayed instantly in the interface but must be validated to take effect.
Improve customer loyalty and boost sales with attractive promotions!

Saves you time
In a single, fully ajax-based interface (with no page reloads), you can assign mass discounts to entire categories and fully customized product selections.
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