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Divi Supreme Pro

Divi Supreme Pro – 27.02.2025
  • Added: skip-lazy CSS class to the Divi Filterable Gallery Module to prevent layout rendering issues in certain cases.
  • Added: Schema Markup for the Divi Breadcrumbs Module, ensuring compatibility with Google Rich Test Results. – 25.10.2024
  • Fixed: Addressed a deprecated warning that appeared in Divi Blog Carousel links.
  • Fixed: Text not displaying in Visual Builder for the Divi Image Text Reveal Module.
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Reactions: edgars221289 – 02.08.2024
  • Fixed: Corrected an issue where the Divi Flipbox icon wasn’t displaying properly in the Visual Builder.
  • Fixed: PHP warning occurred when the schema markup option was enabled for an empty content for Divi FAQ module.
  • Added: Improved accessibility by adding alt attributes to the open and close images for Divi FAQ Module.
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Reactions: edgars221289