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Discounts for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Discounts for WooCommerce Subscriptions 3.1.2

2024-10-10 - version 3.1.2
* Fix: Percentage value discounts for All Products for Subscriptions plans
* New: Disabling discount table on product page
* Update: WooCommerce Subscriptions 6.7 compatibility
2023-08-28 - version 3.0.0
* New: Adding Discounts capabilities to Coupons
* New: Editing subscription cost starting from 1st payment
* Fix: Cart totals when taxes included
* Fix: Values calculated in the discount table on the product page
* Fix: Set discounted price as sale price for first payment
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
2022-11-13 - version 2.3.0
* New: Preventing subscription payment method switching to manual when applying 100% discount
* Fix: Few more errors when the product with a discount was permanently removed
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Reactions: tatar221
2022-10-31 - version 2.2.0
* New: Regular and Sale price for Role-based pricing part
* New: Feature to 'remove discount' from subscriptions
* Fix: Error when product with discount was permanently removed
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Reactions: tatar221