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Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce PRO Plugin

Disable Bloat for WordPress & WooCommerce PRO Plugin 3.4.4 NULLED

= [3.4.4] - 2023-10-29 =

- Fixed: Missing WooCommerce CSS variable for "Choose which WooCommerce Admin features to disable" and "Marketing Hub"
- Fixed: Disable WooCommerce Blocks front-end (PRO)
- Fixed: Phrases appearing in the notice message shown after upgrading/activating license (PRO)
- Added: Pricing and Upgrade links to My Account admin page (PRO)
= [3.3.1] - 2023-09-02 =
- Added: Import and Export settings
- Added: Compatibility with Oxygen Builder
- Fixed: i18n phrases for translation
- Fixed: Integration with WordPress multisite (Freemius SDK upgraded to 2.5.11)
- Fixed: Disable WooCommerce Blocks - front-end (PRO)
- Removed: Plugin deactivation feedback form
- Removed: Pricing and Upgrade links on My Account admin page (PRO)
= [3.2.11] - 2023-07-27 =
- Fixed: i18n phrases for translation
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
= [3.2.2] - 2023-04-02 =
- Fixed: Fatal error that occurs when the "Disable wp-embeds" option is active (PRO)
- Fixed: Fatal error related to communication with the API (Freemius SDK upgraded to 2.5.6)
= [3.2.0] - = 2023-03-01 =

- Added: Choose which WooCommerce Admin features to disable
- Added: Remove the “Get the app” from WooCommerce emails
- Added: Hide the "Discover other payment providers" link on the WooCommerce Payments configuration screen
- Added: Disable WooCommerce email notifications
- Added: Disable WordPress Dashicons on the front-end
- Added: Disable WP Desk Dashboard widget
- Added: Disable WordPress REST API (PRO)
- Added: Disable jQuery Migrate (PRO)
- Added: Disable wp-embeds (PRO)
- Fixed: API connectivity test during activation (Freemius SDK upgraded to 2.5.4 RC1)
- Fixed: Compatibility with Rank Math SEO
- Fixed: Minor compatibility issues
- Changed: Phrases and descriptions
- Changed: Location of "Select / Deselect All" button
= [3.1.16] - = 2023-02-06 =
- Fixed: readded missing PRO functions file inclusion (PRO)