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Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use. Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Selecting Global API keys are disabled (can't setup new ones going forward). Includes deprecation notice (going away completely in the future, so migrate to API tokens if you are still using Global API keys!).
Unify primary classes so they can be shared without changes with WordPress version of this addon
If you don't already have a Cloudflare API token, the link to create one will pre-define the required permissions for you (way less annoying for new users)
Updated deep links inside for Firewall events to reflect the new endpoint
Look back 7 days instead of 1 day to find account-level usage records for buckets
unfurl and image proxy Workers will use default language for site when they are setup
Changed URL where you set Worker subdomain and made it a property for easier changes in the future (Cloudflare changed it in their dashboard)
Make external URL include protocol (https rather than relative URLs (R2 subdomains always have valid SSL certificates, so no reason to serve up content insecurely even if the site isn't using HTTPS)
Automatic retry (once) if API/R2 calls return HTTP 499 response (same way we handle server-side [5xx errors])
Change verbiage on R2 operation log to be more clear about billable events
Don't hardcode prefix in admin:cloudflare_r2 template
Fix Zero round trip phrase being title case
Add direct link for setup of Zero Trust Access authentication method
Added new pre-set Cache Rule option to force caching of static content
When checking if a file exists on R2, only fall back to checking if it's a "directory" if there's no file extension in the path (less class A operations)
Fix for media uploads
Hate pushing quick versions out (sorry)... but a necessary fix for media uploads which are handled slightly differently than other uploaded content (like avatars and attachments). Take into account a lot of "what ifs"
Don't assume R2 bucket still exists when getting usage stats for buckets (in case someone deleted the bucket they are currently using)
Fixed issue when trying to configure R2 for the first time, but Cloudflare account does not have R2 enabled yet
Added sanity check for external data URL option in case addon somehow got partially (but not fully) installed
If using guest page caching and purge cache API call fails when a new post is created, edited or deleted, fail silently
Automatically remove cached account ID if it's invalid (Cloudflare account changed for site)
Don't assume template method is callable (fixes issue where XenForo addon installation process would give a temporary error when template modifications were enabled but class extensions are not yet)