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[DCom] Joint Purchases

Xenforo [DCom] Joint Purchases 2.0.0

[DCom] Joint Purchases.png

This plugin will allow you to organize joint purchases on your forum.
Several shopping scenarios are possible. At the moment it is:
  • fold with a limited number of participants
  • fold with an unlimited number of participants
  • wholesale purchase with a limited number of participants
A backup list is also configured:
  • with the ability to make a purchase
  • only to replace the vacant places on the main list
Payment for the purchase:
  • automatic, through built-in payment profiles
  • in manual mode to the details of the organizer. When appointing an organizer, a window appears for entering payment details and then when moving to the payment stage, these details are automatically sent to the participants of the purchase.
The change of purchase stages takes place automatically.
At the stage of payment:
  • when recruiting participants, after reaching the specified number of participants.
  • if the purchase is with an unlimited number of participants, then when the number of participants is reached, when the estimated fee is lowered to the minimum payment set in the settings
To the distribution stage:
  • after paying for all members of the main list through payment gateways
  • manually by the organizer when paying by the organizer's details
To the "Closed" stage:
  • After receiving the product through private messages. The organizer clicks the Distribute product button to create a correspondence with all participants who paid for the product.
  • After opening the correspondence by each participant of the purchase, a mark is automatically created about the receipt of the product. In this type of correspondence, the "mark not read" function is disabled.
Shared purchases are made as a separate type of content and are integrated into the main functions of the forum, such as Search, User Statistics, What's New, Widgets, etc.
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Reactions: trollet
  • Version 2.0.0
  • Downloads 42
  • Views 609
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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