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Custom Post Type UI Extended

Custom Post Type UI Extended 1.12.1

## 1.12.1 - 2024-12-09
* Fixed: textdomain notices from WordPress 6.7.x
* Updated: Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.7
## 1.11.2 - 2023-05-22
* Updated: Confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.2.2
## 1.11.1 - 2022-10-26
* Updated: Adjusted default toggled options for Grid Layout block options.
* Updated: Adjusted default toggled options for the Grid with Overlay layout block options.
* Updated: Adjusted default toggled options for the Slider Layout block options.
* Updated: Adjusted default display for Taxonomy List layout when no options chosen yet.
* Updated: Added "About CPTUI-Extended" menu item to main CPTUI menu area.
* Updated: Changed Shortcode ID to plain text instead of read-only text input.
* Fixed: Amended how we apply `pre_get_posts` filters to respect other filters that may have been added.
* Fixed: Javascript meant for network admin causing issues for individual sites admin.
* Fixed: changed `class` to `className` in block-icon file that was throwing console warnings.
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## 1.11.0 - 2022-09-19
* Added: Grid layout in the block, with all available options.
* Added: Grid with Overlay layout in the block, with all available options.
* Added: Featured Plus layout in the block, with all available options.
* Updated: Added layout title output for layouts that were missing it, despite having the setting.
* Updated: Ensured compatibility with TwentyTwentyTwo Full Site Editor theme.
* Updated: PropType checking for our block to help ensure stability.
* Updated: Cleaned up unused legacy code, and other code organization work.
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