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ConverseKit - Joomla Chat Plugin​

Designed to simplify the messaging system on EasySocial. ConverseKit is a Joomla chat plugin that allows users on your site to interact with one another with a super user friendly interface.

Simple Setup
Seamless and straightforward installation, start receiving message within minutes.

Dark Mode
The all new dark mode allow users to switch between both the dark and standard modes.

Giphy Integration
Share Giphy images in your messages to have a more interactive chat with others.

File Sharing
Hassle free file sharing between your peers. Collaboration has never been as easy as this.

Share your current location with your peers with a click of a button. It is as simple as that.

Real-Time Updates
Get message updates from your peers or your groups almost instantly.
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
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