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Community Builder Developer

Community Builder Developer 2.9.0

CB 2.9.0 - 08 November 2023

Related issues
Bug #9256: ListField does not exist on Joomla 3 Actions
Bug #9260: Method exists check for clearAccessRights failing Actions
Bug #9262: Backend toolbar outputting on Joomla 5 during raw views Actions
Bug #9265: Legacy _getAbsURLwithParam missing Itemid fallback Actions
Feature proposal #9255: Implement Joomla 5 compatibility Actions
Feature proposal #9264: GET data missing if system plugin is not loaded during SEO routing
24 January 2023 - Community Builder 2.8

Related issues
Bug #9055: comprofilerDBTable legacy layer not working correctly
Bug #9059: Moving field options no longer saves their new placement
Bug #9068: getMailer return type too strict
Bug #9070: Fatal errors in a plugin that get loaded by admin module can block admin access
Bug #9072: Input data missing if called before routing is processed
Bug #9082: CB Repeat: automatic row index detection not completely accurate
Bug #9087: Userlist search expando causes hidden fields to break
Bug #9094: Plugin SEF URLs lose plugin property if missing Itemid
Bug #9095: Mass mailer relative to absolute URLs does not work with substitutions
Bug #9100: PMS: post/to being cast to int instead of string
Bug #9111: Registration canvas image now displaying
Bug #9113: PMS: Multi-recipient limit of 0 does not function
Bug #9114: Registration header/footer messages not translating
Bug #9115: getFieldIcons returns null despite string return type
Feature proposal #9061: Replace antispam token behavior with CMS based CSRF
Feature proposal #9073: Implement URL IF substitutions
Feature proposal #9080: Modernize core fields into namespaced classes
Feature proposal #9083: Implement support for native browser based date, datetime, and time fields
Feature proposal #9084: Implement native browser range display mode for number fieldtypes
Feature proposal #9089: Implement support for rendering Joomla user custom fields
Feature proposal #9096: Implement support for creating custom profile layouts
Feature proposal #9097: PMS: update getters with strict getter types
Feature proposal #9098: Implement translate substitution
Feature proposal #9101: Implement support for custom profile edit layouts
Feature proposal #9109: Implement support for custom registration layouts
Feature proposal #9110: Implement layout parameter migration
Design #5785: Rewrite field classes