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Client Portal by Laura Elizabeth

Client Portal by Laura Elizabeth 5.3.0 NULLED

### 5.3.0 | December 21, 2024
- Added support for Templates in Five.
- Added support for the HM Multiple Roles plugin.
### 5.1.7 | July 24, 2024
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the WP User Frontend plugin version 4.
- Fixed a regression caused in 5.1.6 where the custom theme.json file was printed on the page.
- Fixed the Dashboard link was incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where HTML entities like "&" were being encoded when duplicated a project.
### 5.0.1 | April 29, 2024
- Fixed an issue where the layout broken for the Classic theme in some cases.
- Fixed the default logo was not loaded when editing a new portal.
- Fixed several minor CSS issues.
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Reactions: MarkDragon
### 4.16.6 | September 7, 2023
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the Flatsome theme.
- Fixed a style conflict issue with the WordPress editor.
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
### 4.16.3 | May 28, 2023
- Fixed PHP fatal error thrown for WooCommerce integration in some edge cases.
- Fixed the style of the HTML select element.
- Updated the WooCommerce integration to support {first_name} and {last_name} tags in the project title, and an option to disable the project auto-creation when a customer already has a project created from the same template.
### 4.16.2
- Updated to allow 'login_form_defaults' filter to customize the login form labels.
- Updated the Italian translation (thanks to Gianfilippo).
- Updated the CSS styles for the General Information section.
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Reactions: tatar221
### 4.16.1 | March 02, 2023
- Added missing translation strings and update the language files.
- Fixed an issue where the due date cannot be saved on non-English locales.
- Fixed an issue where the due date reminder cannot be "None".
- Fixed due date reminder broken with certain PHP environments.
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Reactions: tatar221
### 4.16 | January 28, 2023
- Added "Due Date/Reminder" settings in each module.
- Added "Reminder" settings in CP Settings - Notifications.
- Added support for anchor links in the Phase sections. Append `#leco-cp-phase-1` (or any other phase number) to the URL to jump to that phase.
- Added Links modules that adds multiple links (URL + title) for a module.
- Updated the "Show the mark as complete ticks?" setting to add a new option "Show for modules with a due date".
- Fixed {name} related tags cannot be used in the Client Uploads notifications.
- Fixed an issue where the private files module broken because of the update of CMB2.
- Fixed an issue where the "mark as" feature was not working for a public portal.
- Fixed incorrect includes file paths.
- Fixed an issue when no notification was set, the "mark as" feature was broken.
- Fixed the missing binoculars SVG.
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Reactions: tatar221
### 4.15.4 | December 7, 2022
- Fixed an issue where the private files module broken because of the update of CMB2.
- Fixed an issue where the "mark as" feature was not working for a public portal.
- Fixed incorrect includes file paths.
- We skipped 4.15.3 because of a mistake in the version number.
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Reactions: tatar221