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CiyaShop - Responsive Multi-Purpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme

CiyaShop - Responsive Multi-Purpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme 4.19.0 NULLED

Changelog CiyaShop v4.10.0 NULLED - Responsive Multi-Purpose WooCommerce WordPress Theme​

VERSION 4.10.0 – OCTOBER 28 2022​

Added: Added PHP 8.1 compatibility.
Fixed: Fixed fatal error when WooCommerce is not active.
Fixed: Fixed fatal error for missing class.
Fixed: Fixed various PHP warnings, notices & deprecated notices.
Fixed: Fixed "Add to Cart" button alignment in Related Products on Product page in mobile view.
Fixed: Fixed unit price structure on the Wishlist page in mobile view when the product price is empty.
Fixed: Fixed minor Add to Cart button formatting when price is blank.
Fixed: Fixed login-form and language-switcher alignment issue on the login page.
Updated: Updated language files.
Updated: Updated bundled plugins.
Updated: Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.
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## Version 4.9.1 (September 28, 2022)
* Added: Added title element selection option in the Recent Post Elementor widget and WPbakery shortcode.
* Fixed: Fixed PHP notice.
* Fixed: Fixed deprecated functions.
* Fixed: Fixed text domain.
* Updated: Updated language files.
* Updated: Updated bundled plugins.
* Updated: Minor code/formatting improvements and fixes.