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CityGov - City Government & Municipal WordPress Theme

CityGov - City Government & Municipal WordPress Theme 7.0

// 31 January 2025 //
Version 7.0

- added: new demo (Downtown)
- added: enable/disable the parent toggle on the mobile menu (whole link is covered),
- added: show 'author' on custom post templates,
- added: Crafted Addons compatibility,
- added: no sidebar layout (narrow) - page template,
- added: dynamic year change,
- added: more 'uppercase' alternatives,
- added: setup Elementor automatically,
- updated: TGM plugin activation,
- improved: redux framework inclusion inside the theme_setup function,
- improved: better scroll header (shrink logo + menu spacing),
- improved: align wide for galleries/images,
- fixed: twitter/threads icons,
- fixed: breadcrumbs spans on mobile,
- fixed: columns block padding,
- fixed: Full-Width Header (Special) "scrolling",
- updated: documentation,
- updated: lang file,
- updated: RTL layouts,
/ 21 September 2023 /
Version 6.2

- improved: gallery styling
- improved: Give archive design
- updated: demo files (XMLs)