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ChatGPT AI for descriptions - one click mass edit

PrestaShop ChatGPT AI for descriptions - one click mass edit 1.4.2


Type a sentence regarding a theme of your topic and receive ready text for SEO and customers. Such simple way to write texts for your site with machine learning. It has supporting with GPT-4 and mass editing of entities.


- Possibility to use everywhere in backoffice where it has TinyMce editor.
- Setting the limit of tokens(words) for any text.
- You have possibility to set any model machine learning to describe your sentence
- Saving all generated texts to shop, choosing of favorites
- All saved texts related to every textarea
- Add a suffix to a text, it can help you to decribe a text easier
- For categories, products and cms pages you can use templates with variables.
- Funcionallity of saving templates and after use them in other product, category or cms page
- Possibility choicing model type for generation texts. It has three choises: chat competition with GTP-4, competition, edits
- Added supporing of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 model. You can use them for chat competitions.
- Wasa dded mass edit for products, categories and cms pages.
- Flexible settings for mass edit entities
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Reactions: abuji
  • Version 1.4.2
  • Downloads 73
  • Views 819
  • Last Update
  • Rating 1.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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