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CartFlows Pro

CartFlows Pro 2.1.4 NULLED

Version 2.1.4 - Thursday, 23rd January 2025
- Improvement: Enhanced block previews in Gutenberg for Upsell and Downsell steps.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where the license activation link redirected users to the General settings page instead of the License settings page.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with CartFlows analytics not working when a custom URL was used for the WordPress admin panel.
Version 2.1.3 - Tuesday, 31st December 2024
- Improvement: Enhanced compatibility with the latest version of Elementor.
- Improvement: Updated license restriction messages across all page builders for better clarity when the license is inactive.
- Fix: Resolved an error on the CartFlows checkout page when placing an order using the Mollie iDEAL payment method.
- Fix: Addressed an issue where the pre-checked order bump did not replace the first product in the cart.
Version 2.1.2 - Tuesday, 10th December 2024
- Improvement: Added a dedicated "Offer Popup Strings" tab to streamline Offer Step settings.
- Fix: Upsell product quantity now automatically sets to 1 if left blank in the backend settings.
- Fix: Fixed the next step button visibility issue on the first step of the Two-Step Checkout Layout when using Thrive Architect.
- Fix: Resolved an incorrect usage error for the _load_textdomain_just_in_time function.
- Fix: Addressed a critical error with the "CartFlows_Pro_Gateway" class on funnel pages in some cases.
- Fix: Corrected upsell failures when using the Payment Element and Express Checkout with the Official Stripe plugin.
- Fix: Fixed Unicode characters incorrectly appearing in the order details section in the admin panel.
- Fix: Resolved an issue where an empty offer product displayed as "undefined" in some cases.
- Deprecated: The Step Note field is now marked as soft-deprecated across all steps.
Version 2.1.0 - Thursday, 7th November 2024
- New: Bricks Builder Integration for Upsell and Downsell steps with ready-made layouts.
- New: SureTriggers Integration for adding workflows for Upsell and Downsell steps if required.
- New: Introduced native support for Pinterest Pixel to track activities on CartFlows Upsell and Downsell pages.
- New: Introduced native support for Snapchat Pixel to track activities on CartFlows Upsell and Downsell pages.
- Improvement: Enhanced analytics API calls with proper response messages.
- Fix: Resolved the problem with updating quantities for variable products added in Order Bumps.
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Reactions: edgars221289
Version 2.0.9 - Monday, 16th September 2024
- New: Introduced native support for TikTok Pixel to track activities on CartFlows Upsell and Downsell pages.
- Fix: Updated conditions to prevent errors with subscription products on the checkout page when using the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.
- Fix: Resolved an issue with refunding offer step products via the WooPayments plugin, caused by the refund reason response from Stripe.
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Reactions: edgars221289
= Version 2.0.8 - Tuesday, 27th August 2024
* New: Added Checkout Plugins - Stripe for WooCommerce's Flexible Payment Method support for upsell/downsell.
* New: Introduced a filter cartflows_pro_analytics_cookie_expire_time to change the analytics cookie expire time.
* Fix: Resolved the session expired error on offer steps with dynamic condition when a non supported gateway is used.
* Fix: Corrected warnings triggered by coupon existence checks in dynamic conditions on the checkout page.
* Fix: Resolved a conflict where the payment section's label CSS was affecting the order bump label style.
* Fix: Corrected a bug that blocked users from advancing in multi-step checkout when guest checkout was turned on.
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Reactions: edgars221289
Version 2.0.7 - Thursday, 11th July 2024
- Improvement: Improved the compatibility of product options quantity selector to handle the stock limit on the checkout page.
- Improvement: The price conversion for product options and order bumps were not working for MultiCurrency feature of WooPayments plugin.
- Improvement: Improved the compatibility of WooCommerce Payments plugin for upsell/Downsell payments.
- Fix: Fixed the formatting issue of checkout offers content field.
- Fix: Fixed the conflict with Thrive Architect and CartFlows with Astra Pro's custom header/footer.
- Fix: Dynamic conditions on the checkout page was not working if applied with product and coupon conditions.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the order bump product was being selected multiple times when added to the cart from the shop page.
Version 2.0.1 - Friday, 10th November 2023
- Fix: Fixed deprecated notices for elementor displayed on the offer steps for offer accept/reject buttons.
- Fix: Fixed the issue with the version 6.7.1 of WooCommerce Payments and improved the future compatibility.
- Fix: Fixed the analytics calculation issue when the A/B split test is enabled.
Version 2.0.0 - Tuesday, 7th November 2023
- New: Revamped the whole CartFlows user-interface to add a user-friendly touch.
- New: Added a way to carry forward the URL parameters to the next step.
- Improvement: Added a restriction to quantity update if product is set to purchase one qty per order.
- Fix: Fixed the missing condition to check for WooCommerce Subscription in product options only if the discount is applied.
- Fix: In dynamic offers, the rules containing the zero value conditions were not getting saved.
- Fix: Fixed the Skip offer issue if multiple offer pages are added in the flow
- Fix: Order bump was not getting unchecked if it is pre-selected on the checkout page.
- Fix: Fixed the deprecation notices for the latest update of Elementor.
- Fix: Product options images were not getting changed for product options.
- Fix: Fixed few function deprecation warnings while using PHP version 8.2
- Fix: Fixed the critical issue with the latest major update of WooCommerce Payments.