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CabME - Flutter Complete Taxi Booking Solution (siddhiinfosoft)

CabME - Flutter Complete Taxi Booking Solution (siddhiinfosoft) 7.0

Version 7.0 – Nov 18, 2024

- Redesign the entire application with a modern, updated look.
- Two Home Page Options (similar to Uber and Ola styles)
- Social Media login
- Payment Gateways (OrangeMoney, Xendit and MidTrans)
- Compatibility of Flutter version 3.24.x.
- Dynamic onboarding screen configuration for the apps through the admin panel
- Upgrade dependencies.
  • Love
Reactions: vivovivo

Version 5.0 – January 10 2024

- Compatible to Flutter 3.13.9
- Parcel Functionality added
- Complaint Status added in Complaint screen.
- Bug Fixing in Ride OTP features.
- Rate Calculation fix when Rental Vehicle book for multiple days.
- Dependency upgrade.
- many more minor enhancements and modifications
- minor issues fixed

Version 4.0 – 06 November 2023

- Compatible to Flutter 3.13.9
- Firebase dependency update.
- Google Map in taxi icon smoothness issue fixed.
- Live Tracking screen issue fixed in customer and driver side.
- many more minor enhancements and modifications
- minor issues fixed

Version 3.3.2 – 06 October 2023

- Compatible to Flutter 3.13.6
- - Multiple Live tracking maps with external app options ( Google Map, GoogleGo Map, Waze Map, MapswithMe Map, YandexNavi, Yandex Map) and In-app tracking which we already have into the app.
- PayPal Library changed.
- OTP Textfield package change in both customer and driver app
- OTP feature enable / disable issue fixed.
- many more minor enhancements and modifications
- minor issues fixed

Version 3.3.1 – 17 August 2023

- Compatible to Flutter 3.10.6
- Implemented "Done" keyboard type across all text fields.
- Added Dismissible feature to the payment method list bottom sheet on the Wallet screen.
- Set default location using Google Places.
- Enabled background screen for "Back" and "Continue" buttons.
- Defaulted passenger count to 1.
- Included price estimation calculation and display for vehicle list.
- Incorporated estimated time of arrival for the driver's view.
- Addressed various minor bugs.
- many more minor enhancements and modifications
- minor issues fixed