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BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator

BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator 1.0.2

BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator.png

BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator plugin allows you to moderate BuddyPress & BuddyBoss user profile field data on change. It automatically puts moderated field's data into the moderation queue on signup as well as on each profile update by the user. The moderated field's data is only visible to the profile owner as well as the site administrator.

Note:- Some fields are excluded from being moderated( Excluded fields types are Image, File, Single Member Type, Multi-Member Types, and From-To fields.) Also, From BuddyBoss Platform, repeatable profile field groups are excluded from moderation as well.


  1. Site admins can mark one or more profile fields as moderated fields. The moderated fields allow you to approve the user entered data before they appear on the site.
  2. Site admins can control the notification. They can opt to receive emails when a user updates moderated field.
  3. Site admins can also control the notifications for the users whose profile data gets moderated.
  4. Site admins can configure the action to either keep old field data or delete field data when the field's new data gets rejected by the admin.
  5. Site admins have complete control over email notifications that gets sent to the user on approval or rejection. They can enable/disable it and control the content.
  6. Site admins can whitelist one or more user roles. The profile update for these user roles will not be moderated.
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Reactions: tuamiga
  • Version 1.0.2
  • Downloads 47
  • Views 467
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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