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Bricks - Visual website builder for WordPress
1.12.3 NULLED
Full changelog
Background video: Support formatImprove
Element classes panel: Don’t delete class connectionImprove
Image: Source not working, if URL contains spacesImprove
Query Results Summary: Support query located inside componentImprove
Posts element: Remove data-query-vars attributes for query trail nodeImprove
brx-loop-comment bypass HTML comment string removalImprove
Custom Auth: Percent encode URL paramsImprove
Background video: Not working using dynamic tags in the builder (if using video ID)Fix
Builder: Unnecessary bricks_render_elements calls from global elementsFix
Echo not working in form submission AJAX callFix
Filter Select: Options missing space between count and labelFix
Form: Honeypot field missing CSS unitsFix
Image overlay not visible on frontendFix
Popup: Not closing on ESC/backdrop (if no focusable elements, and autoFocus is enabled)Fix
Show outer post content: Class styles not updating in builderFix
Show outer post content: Missing template class styles if page is emptyFix
set_link_attributes not parsing dynamic data for rel, title and aria-label fieldsFix
Full changelog
Form: Add Honeypot (Spam Protection)New
Add to cart element: Icon only & form settingsNew
Bricks > Settings > Builder: Import pasted images/SVGsNew
Bricks > Templates: “Import images” checkboxNew
Gutenberg: Enable default core block features (custom-spacing, border)New
Form: New filter to create custom actions (bricks/form/action/{form_action})New
Global class importer: export/import categoriesNew
New element: Query Results SummaryNew
Query Filter: New action “Results per page” (radio, select)New
Remote templates: Bricks setting to exclude specific templatesNew
Social Sharing element: BlueskyNew
Support YouTube/Vimeo ID & URLs (Video element & Background video)New
Form: New setting to “Send WordPress notification” after user registrationNew
Builder: Remove dash (-) spacing control placeholdersImprove
Cascade Layer: Include Gutenberg stylesImprove
Components: Query loop & Load more interactionImprove
Components: Support AJAX pagination (query set on component root)Improve
Context menu: Paste styles to active class, adds it to the element IDImprove
Custom breakpoint: Name must start with a letter (no numbers-only names)Improve
Form element: Improve radio input spacing on iOSImprove
Gradient/Overlay improvementImprove
Gutenberg: “This page is built with Bricks” shows if a single post template is assignedImprove
Importing classes with conflict: Error message outside of the elementImprove
Popups: Open popup on top, if “Scroll to top” is enabledImprove
Popups: Smooth scroll to topImprove
Post comment: Required asterisk should follow native WP wrap in spanImprove
Query Filter by WP post ID: Display value should be Post TitleImprove
Range Filter: Missing aria labels (A11Y)Improve
Slider & Nestable Slider: Non-localized stringsImprove
Text Link: Remove responsive indicator from Icon controlImprove
Text Link: SVG icon alignmentImprove
Video Element: ACF Poster image isn’t showingImprove
Components: Support Query Filters (query set on root)Improve
ACF Repeater Image (image element) within Flexible Content not rendering on first loopFix
ACF: User field value empty generates PHP error when indexing on post saveFix
Builder: ::before/::after pseudo-element on class wrong selector while editingFix
Builder: Component render_element call while editing local elementFix
Builder: Custom breakpoint containing colon not supportedFix
Builder: Global element style missing if nestable elementFix
Builder: Image Gallery Masonry + Link to Lightbox not showingFix
Builder: Nested query loop with dynamic tag as query param always incorrect result for first loopFix
Builder: SHIFT + add new element results in missing flex controlsFix
Builder: Wrap element results in missing flex controlsFix
Carousel: Image thumbnail navigation not working correctlyFix
Carousel: Doesn’t show with filters, if no results on the initial page loadFix
Cascade Layers: Nestable slider arrow points in wrong directionFix
Classes import: Update discarded conflict classes IDFix
Copy-paste SVG from another website not rendered correctlyFix
Custom Auth: Cannot log out using WP admin barFix
Custom Auth: Invalid redirect URL if there are multiple redirect_to paramsFix
Custom Auth: Redirect inconsistent behaviour with trailing slashes in URLsFix
Custom Auth: Reset password email doesn’t include full pathFix
Drag component into parent container not workingFix
Filter – Range & Active filter label not the same if label is reversedFix
Filter – Search: Included other post types if no post type setFix
Form element: aria-labelledby added with missing labelFix
Form: Submit inside component “No action has been set”Fix
Global class manager: Locking/unlocking not workingFix
Global form element not workingFix
Dynamic data tag: Doesn’t render if space in “echo”Fix
Importing multiple component files at once creates duplicatesFix
Template Manager: Importing pseudo classes & elements and if defined on a class, is not workingFix
Infinite Scroll: Delay applied when Infinite Scroll is offFix
Interactions: Load more when “Main query” is enabled, is not workingFix
Meta Box 2.0: Filter”Providers” control not workingFix
Meta Box: Relationship loop dynamic data is empty for first imageFix
Meta Box: Relationship Fields not showing in Query “Include” optionsFix
Meta Box: Group loop on pages shows first row onlyFix
Multiple loops + AJAX paginations on the same page not working (for dynamic background)Fix
Nested query inside Component not running (looping card component)Fix
Pagination element: Unable to configure 0 mid sizeFix
Passwort protection template: No header & footerFix
Polylang: Query filters using incorrect template data (when using header/footer query)Fix
Posts element: Grid height & Grid/Metro and Filter CSS fixesFix
Product Gallery: Wrong image size if place in Nested Tab/AccordionFix
Product Rating: Colors not workingFix
Query Filter: sanitize_filter_value function causing value using “+” to not be filterableFix
Query Filter: No meta_key field when choosing Taxonomy Source and Order By meta_value/meta_value_numFix
Query not following posts_per_page when using conditionFix
Save form submission failed on CPT archive pagesFix
Scroll Snap: Selector control does not work properlyFix
Show outer Post: Posts Page edit with Bricks cannot edit elementsFix
Show outer post content: Issues with selecting elementsFix
Show outer post content: Not rendering if there are no elements initiallyFix
Skip links are not focusable (A11Y)Fix
Submenu, Dropdown or Megamenu causes brief overflow on page load or window resizeFix
Unconnected property inside repeater still connected once deletedFix
Variable Manager: Category drag & drop not workingFix
Variable Manager: Variable with colon does not import properlyFix
Video Lightbox: Not working in Woo Single Product TemplatesFix
WPML: Incorrect term IDs in Bricks API end points if post type set to use fallback languageFix
WPML/Polylang: Multilingual + query filters indexing issueFix
Image Gallery: Masonry layout not working on the canvasFix
Full changelog
Bricks AJAX add to cart: Check if product support AJAXImprove
Taxonomy: Add flex-wrap: wrap by defaultImprove
WooCommerce: Empty .before-checkout div on checkout pageImprove
Builder Content/Style tabs disappear when “Components” tab is activeFix
Using multiple HTML attributes generates additional attributes on the frontendFix
WooCommerce: Brand always shows on Product Meta elementFix
WooCommerce: Checkout notice style differs (v9.5.1)Fix
Full changelog
Context menu: Copy and paste classesNew
Query Loop: Support ACF Gallery (through post type “Media” and “Include” DD tag)New
Query Loop: More controls for ACF & Meta Box RelationshipNew
Context menu: Copy and paste attributesNew
Form field: Show/hide password toggle iconNew
Query Filters: Support term & user queriesNew
Global Classes: Resolve conflicts on import (override, discard, rename)New
Global Classes Manager: New filters for Used/Unused on this siteNew
Builder: Show outer Post Content elements (Template type: Single)New
Duplicate post: Bricks setting to disable and Bricks filter “bricks/use_duplicate_content” for more advanced setupsNew
Accordion & Tabs: Set default open itemNew
Form: New setting “Disable form validation” (input, blur)New
Image Gallery: New “Lightbox ID” setting (to connect with single images)New
Query Loop: New Infinite Scroll Delay settingNew
Bricks setting: Cascade layer for Bricks default styles (experimental)New
Accordion: Toggle brx-open class immediately when clicking on accordion itemImprove
Add to cart: Hide if product is out of stockImprove
Basic Text: Add HTML tag descriptionImprove
Builder: Ajaxify term select controls to avoid memory exhausted on term-heavy sitesImprove
Builder: Attributes set, should trigger Style tab indicatorImprove
Builder: CSS grid guidelines remain on canvas after grid is unsetImprove
Builder: Include Bricks Template Bundles & Tags in taxonomy controlsImprove
Builder: Inline text edit “italic” on canvas use “em” instead of “i” tagImprove
Classic Editor: Auto-select “Edit with Bricks” tabImprove
Code element: Move controls above code controls (except “Theme”)Improve
Compatibility: Events Calendar Pro & Bricks Query FiltersImprove
Dropdown: Performance lagImprove
Form: Optimize field validation input event listenersImprove
Form submissions: Decouple capability from builder accessImprove
Google Map (no API key): Missing title attribute (A11Y)Improve
Gutenberg: Display prominent “Edit with Bricks/Gutenberg” blockImprove
Helper function to reinit active_templates static variable valuesImprove
Image: Remove picture tag from HTML tag options (auto-set as needed)Improve
Import pseudo classes & elements (on template import & copy/paste)Improve
Load filters.min.js only on pages where filters are usedImprove
Minify splide.min.jsImprove
Optimize CSS file loading order (prevent CLS, FOUC)Improve
Query Filters: List Source & Field type controls togetherImprove
RTL: Builder panel search icon too close to borderImprove
Remote Templates: Show import indicator until import completedImprove
Remote Template import: Import entire color palette (instead of only the colors used)Improve
Rich Text: Paste element with CTRL + V, pastes clipboard content instead of inserting new element (builder)Improve
WooCommerce: .alignwide causes overflow in Checkout blocksImprove
Custom auth redirect not working if URL action param set to random valueImprove
Filter – Search: If typing at a certain speed, some letters are removedImprove
Image element: Support at least source “Desktop” as lightbox image instead of fallback imageImprove
Dynamic data tag: Support parenthesis as argument in “echo” tagImprove
Builder: Sync Global Classes notification error objectFix
Carousel: Products query PHP warning (undefined array key “fields”)Fix
Custom auth reroute not working if URL action param set to loginFix
DD tag used In query loop returns incorrect result in builder (not parsed)Fix
DD used in query loop inside template doesn’t follow the populate content setting (in builder)Fix
Duplicated popup & inline CSS when using Popup in loop (inline method)Fix
Dynamic data: wp_user_ parsed incorrectly in nested query paramsFix
Fatal PHP error if website folder name contains non-latin charactersFix
Form: Checkbox/radio field have same ID if duplicated or inserted multiple timesFix
Global classes sync across subdirectory sites in multisite networkFix
Helpers::get_element_data failed if the element ID is full integer (also Query Filter element related)Fix
Interaction doesn’t open correct popup in nested query loopFix
Masonry layout: Not working in Chrome and if “infinite scroll” is enabledFix
Populate Content/WPML: Fatal error with deleted postFix
Popup: Dynamic background inside lop not working (plus PHP warning)Fix
Popup: CSS selector incorrect in non-loop and different context ID (AJAX )Fix
Popup: Masonry issue in AJAX-fetched popupFix
Query Filter: Undefined array key “optionLabel” errorFix
Query Filter with prefilter option and no results causes filter to be not click- or resettableFix
Query Filters: Incorrect result on term page when subcategory is selectedFix
Query Filters: Not working when query loop has “OR” meta queryFix
Query Filters: ACF user field type generates wrong labelFix
Query Filters: Incorrect filtering when using Meta Box “Date save as timestamp”Fix
Query Filters: esc_html on filter value causes incorrect filter resultsFix
Query Loop: Dynamic data for “Child of” not working for Pages (in builder)Fix
Query Loop: Meta query with Clause Name doesn’t parse dynamic dataFix
Query Loop: orderby always uses Date DESC on search result page (doesn’t follow default WP)Fix
Query Loop: Post taxonomy query with EXISTS condition not workingFix
Query loop: Certain orderby values not combinable with other valueFix
Query Loop: orderby “random” not workingFix
Query Loop: orderby not working when using sorting URL Param (page reload)Fix
RAW color with dynamic tag + other value not parsedFix
Remote Templates: Theme Style import fails on first importFix
Responsive style indicator overlapsFix
Social Sharing: Overflow due to tooltip (use title attribute instead)Fix
Template screenshots: Transparent background if background color is defined in theme stylesFix
Use “query_results_count” DD tag condition on ACF Post Object in nested loop can cause fatal PHP errorFix
WP admin bar: Don’t select “Render with Bricks” if there’s no Bricks dataFix
WP auth redirect to use custom error templateFix
WPML: Template element not translated when there’s no other content on the pageFix
WooCommerce – Checkout customer details: Remove field causes issue in actual checkoutFix
Form: Submit button custom SVG icon transformFix
Taxonomy: PHP warning if linked to non-existing taxonomyFix
A dynamic tag that returns “0” is considered emptyFix
AJAX add to cart: No support for custom checkbox/array valuesFix
Accordion Schema: wrong Accordion Schema: wrong Accordion Schema: wrong Bricks 1.12 in loop in loop in loopFix
Anchor link is active, but .current-menu-item for other links on the same menu still thereFix
Checkout customer details: Shipping address is removed, if we remove one fieldFix
Custom URL/Dynamic Data: “author_id” gets replacedFix
Dropdown: Multilevel keyboard navigation bugFix
Dynamic data tag with scientific number as argument causes fatal errorFix
Flatpickr language files loading from wrong URLFix
Form: Skip HTML/hidden field types from required logicFix
Gallery: Masonry layout not working on the canvasFix
Mailchimp: Fix 10 list limit (sync)Fix
Password Protection: Single template condition affects custom PP renderFix
Product Stock element: Showing 0 in stockFix
Query Filters: Bug when filter element is located in draft template or copiedFix
Query Filters: Double empty value as option if custom field of a post is empty stringFix
Query: No result template: Class styles not fetched from APIFix
Range filter: Min/max value not calculated based on filter resultsFix
Related posts: Setting “posts per row” in class not workingFix
Social Sharing element: SVG fill/color improvementsFix
Social Sharing element: Spacing problem between icons (LTR) and possible overflowFix
URL parameters: If there is full link, the parameter does not showFix
Unwanted scrolling (if WordPress is set to RTL)Fix
WooCommerce: v9.6 with Woo Cart or Woo Checkout blocks triggers PHP errorFix
WooCommerce: v9.5 generates extra empty “tr” for variable productsFix
WooCommerce Checkout Customer Details: Hiding labels also hides checkboxes like “Create an account?”Fix
max_execution_time = -1 (unlimited) prevents query filter indexer from runningFix
Full changelog
Builder: Search individual post with 100+ results issueFix
Dropdown: Caret styling incorrectFix
Image: Attribute “sizes” new auto value causes image width issue (WordPress 6.7)Fix
Dropdown: Nested dropdown doesn’t open on hoverFix
PHP warning: undefined array key “optionMetaValue” (filter-base.php)Fix
Products element: Query setting not workingFix
Query Loop (Main Query) with exclude terms causes fatal PHP errorFix
WooCommerce 9.4.1: Update outdated Woo templateFix
WooCommerce: Checkout Coupon: JS error (if Bricks Woo Notice disabled)Fix
WordPress 6.7: Bricks translations not loadingFix
Product Cart Cross Sell: Heading setting not appliedFix
Full changelog
Password Protection (Template Type)New
Masonry layout (Style > Layout)New
WooCommerce: ConditionsNew
WooCommerce: New element “Checkout Coupon” & “Checkout Login”New
Query Loop: More “order by” options & select multiple optionsNew
Typography: New text-wrap controlNew
Builder: Responsive control indicatorNew
Query filter: Custom field integration (ACF, Meta Box)New
Dynamic data: New @sanitize key-value pairNew
Flex align setting: New ‘auto’ optionNew
Form element: New “Max length” input settingNew
Form element: New setting to hide form message after .. msNew
Posts element: New “Link image alt text” settingNew
Rating element: New “Additional properties” setting (for schema)New
Search element: New “Label” settingNew
New filter: bricks/render_query_loop_trail (to disable .brx-query-trail node)New
New filter: bricks/builder/codemirror_configNew
Theme Styles: Alert muted border settingNew
Theme Styles: Button outline controls & info, success, warning, danger, dark, muted stylesNew
WooCommerce: New DD tag “woo_product_badge_new”New
WooCommerce: Admin bar “Edit with Bricks” links to Woo templatesNew
WooCommerce: Product up/cross-sell: New “Cart Cross-sell” settingNew
WooCommerce: Add to cart element: New regular & sale price typography settingsNew
New filter: bricks/content/tagNew
Accessibility: Comments element missing textarea label (Source: WordPress)Improve
Accessibility: More visible default :focus-visible stylingImprove
Author element: Rename “Show Website” label to “Link to website”Improve
Builder: Add label to text-shadow popup (for indicator)Improve
Builder: Canvas inline text editing should use “strong” instead of “b” tagImprove
Button: Hide Icon typography control if icon is an SVGImprove
Color palette: Show “Clear” button only when a color is setImprove
Skipped heading levels for author name, comments, and related posts & new HTML tag setting for author name (a11y)Improve
Form element: Email inconsistent line break handling between main and confirmation emailsImprove
Heading: Wrong custom tag placeholderImprove
Hide “View cart” button placeholder valueImprove
Metabox relationship improvement to use current page/post as fallback context (inside nested loop)Improve
Nav menu & Nav (Nestable): Navigation via arrow, home, end keys (a11y)Improve
Nav (Nestable): ::before pseudo widthImprove
Nav (Nestable): Opening content on click/hover don’t close previously opened contentImprove
Performance: Optimize user query in conditionsImprove
Query filter element: Input tag should self-closeImprove
Rating element: If rating is higher than max. rating use max. rating valueImprove
Testimonials element: Use blockquote tag instead of div (a11y)Improve
Theme Styles: WooCommerce button styles should also apply on non-woo pagesImprove
Accessibility: Accordion (Nestable), Tabs, Tabs (Nestable)Fix
Accordion (Nestable): Empty FAQ schemaFix
Builder: Attributes indicator not showing on all breakpointsFix
Builder: Panel expands unexpectetly on class changeFix
Builder: Preview window opens in same tab instead of new tabFix
Conditions: Meta Box empty relationship labelFix
Copy & paste styles betwen element ID & global class and vice versaFix
Custom CSS class name gets modifiedFix
Custom CSS: Wrongly applied after switching between classesFix
Custom CSS: %root% refers to old class name after class was renamed in class managerFix
Dropdown & Nav menu: Set mobile menu stroke inline on SVG pathFix
Control: text-align “exclude” not working correctlyFix
Form element: Can’t retrieve form actions in query loopFix
Form element: Autocomplete attribute info tooltip should be on/offFix
Form element: Can not upload .ai and .eps filesFix
Form element: Dynamic data for “Directory Name” is not workingFix
Form element: Submit icon spins in the wrong directionFix
Icon element: Custom attribute “class” generates fatal PHP errorFix
Image & Video element: “Custom URL” with dynamic tag + static text unable to parse correctlyFix
Infinite Scroll: Double AJAX loader if nonce expiredFix
JetEngine: Relation meta data not working with dynamic data tagsFix
Nav nestable: Mobile menu close toggle not showing on canvasFix
Nestable elements: Direct child elements render as DIV instead of default tag (i.e. heading inside Back to Top)Fix
Polylang: Infinite query loop not working when templates are not set to be translatableFix
Popup template settings not applied when added via Template elementFix
Posts element: Alternate images + direction column on mobile doesn’t workFix
Product Gallery: Wrong margin on thumbnail slider (RTL)Fix
Product Stock element: Return empty if variable product manage stock level on variationsFix
Query filter: Not working if target query uses dynamic data tag in query settingsFix
Query loop (PHP): order_by, posts_per_page gets overridden (post type: product)Fix
Query loop: ACF Repeater > Group > Repeater has no resultsFix
Query loop: Order by possible duplicate results with load more or query filtersFix
Rating element: Inside query loop, the first element does not render stars when using dynamic data (in builder)Fix
Remove html height 100% which caused site background image to not cover whole bodyFix
SVG element: Source “Code” in header renders incorrectly in builder on other pagesFix
Slider (Nestable): Wrong order of slides inside nested tabsFix
Sticky header: Transition overrides nav nestable & dropdown icon transitionFix
Table of Contents element: Fix TOC initialization at different breakpointsFix
Tabs (Nestable) & Accordion (Nestable): Suppress DOMDocument PHP WarningFix
Tabs element: Open tab via anchor link: First item always openFix
Theme Styles: Link selector :hover issueFix
Unable to get code signature if using Template and Loop + Post Content (Source: Bricks)Fix
WPML: Page settings not copied to translated pageFix
WooCommerce: Account – Edit Address: Margin applies to wrong selectorFix
WooCommerce: Notice error message border styling issue (RTL)Fix
Fix PHP 8.2+ strpos deprecated warning when using DD link for looping “a” tagFix
Full changelog
New element: Back To Top (nestable)New
Context menu: Copy and paste element conditions & interactionsNew
Dynamic Data picker: Pin & save tags; Toggle categoriesNew
Dynamic Data: New tag: woo_product_gallery_imagesNew
Related Posts: New “Title” settingNew
Accessibility & FAQ schema for Accordions & Tabs (flat & nested)New
Background video: New “Poster” settingNew
Breadcrumb: Support date, month & tag archive pages; New structure controlsNew
Builder: Make toolbar keyboard accessible (ALT/OPTION + T; TAB)New
Builder: Open query loop in control panel after clicking icon in structure panelNew
Builder: Panel pages: Clear input iconNew
Builder: Show notification with HTTP error if save failedNew
Bricks settings: “Query max results” to limit query loop results in the builderNew
Comments element: Set form title HTML tagNew
Custom Auth Pages: WordPress authentication page accessNew
Global Classes: TrashNew
Image control: “External URL” supports dynamic data and renamed to “Custom URL”New
Integrations: Support Rank Math & Yoast Content AnalysisNew
Interactions: New action “Toggle Offcanvas”New
Nav Menu: New “Active Border” control for mobile menuNew
New filter: bricks/get_element_data/maybe_from_post_idNew
New filter: bricks/query/init_loop_indexNew
Polylang & WPML: Add language prefix to taxonomy term options (builder)New
Post Title: New spacing and typography controls for prefix/suffixNew
Reading time: New setting “Characters per minute” (useful for Persian, etc.)New
Textarea fields: New “resize” control (Form, Comments, Product reviews)New
Translation: Greek (new)New
WooCommerce: New setting: “AJAX add to cart” error actions “Scroll to error” or “Redirect to product page”New
Bricks settings: Form submissions access (by user role or individual user)New
Bricks settings: Template thumbnail admin column width & heightNew
Filter – Range: New slider controls & fix min/max input overlayNew
Query Filters – New “Remove all index jobs” button (use if indexing is stuck)New
Query Filters: New element “Filter – Active Filters”New
Query Filter – Submit: New setting “Hide if no active filters” (type: Reset)New
Query Filters: Source “Taxonomy” allow include, exclude, order byNew
Query Filter – Checkbox: Hierarchical “Auto Check/uncheck children” settingNew
Query Filters: New interaction trigger “Filter options: Empty” and “Filter options: Not Empty”New
Query Filter – Radio: New Hide “All” setting; Filter is toggleable by default nowNew
Query Filter – Checkbox: Button modeNew
Query Filter – Search: “Clear Input” iconNew
Dynamic data tag: term_taxonomy_slugNew
Builder: :hover selected, but CSS not applied on canvasImprove
Builder: Performance improvementsImprove
Builder: Pages panel :focus-within stylingImprove
Carousel, Sliders, Testimonials: Add arrow top placeholder value (50%)Improve
Condition: Set on Dropdown “Content” element causes console errorImprove
Custom Auth Pages: Detect WooCommerce auth pages to prevent redirect conflictsImprove
Form element: Email validation (without domain) on submitImprove
JetEngine: Checkbox always returns true or false as a valueImprove
Link control: Add dynamic data support to URL parametersImprove
Nav menu/nestable: Anchor links active menu itemImprove
Nav menu, Nav nested & Offcanvas elements: Trap focusImprove
Nav nestable: Mobile menu visible after window resize eventImprove
Popups: Generate nonce through AJAXImprove
Post Title: Prefix/suffix block via CSS, not div nodeImprove
Query Sort/Filter & Load more & Infinite scroll: Generate nonce through AJAXImprove
Query loop: SEO issue with query trail if query uses “a” tagImprove
System information page: Add wp_remote_post check (to debug Query filters index)Improve
Video element: Keyboard-accessible with overlay and icon settingsImprove
WPML: Don’t show deleted text (ATE)Improve
WPML: Popup interaction not working on translated pageImprove
Builder: Add variable picker to aspect ratio controlImprove
Builder: Select control “x” icon gets tiny when text is longImprove
Filter – Select: Remove Placeholder typography controlImprove
Filters: Source and Taxonomy should be togetherImprove
Posts element: Set aria-hidden and tabindex for redundant linksImprove
Query loop control: Add search to template dropdownImprove
Builder: a[Link] info still visible after changing HTML tagImprove
Filter – Search: Clear icon does still visible after resetting filtersImprove
Popups: Focus does not return to trigger element after closing popupImprove
Skip link: Remove redundant aria-labelImprove
ACF: New field with Object Cache enabled: flush_cache logic not triggerFix
Adobe Fonts: Certain font styles not enqueued because font slug differs from css_namesFix
Builder: Custom HTML attributes from Bricks filters not rendered on canvas (section, container, block, div)Fix
Builder: Heading pseudo-class ::first-inline not rendered correctlyFix
Builder: :hover style persists on canvas if set on classFix
Builder: Reset styles control removes icon settings (Text link element)Fix
Builder: User without unfiltered_html cap: Builder save causes data to corrupt (if HTML entities are found in the element)Fix
Builder: Code and Template element “Render without wrapper” styles shouldn’t apply on canvasFix
Builder: Code “Sign code” keyboard shortcut reloads the pageFix
Builder: “Copy styles” from element panel not workingFix
Builder: TinyMCE “Add media” button not working (Rich text, etc.)Fix
Comments: Guest can’t see unapproved comment if post has no approved commentsFix
Divider element: Theme styles overwritten when using external stylesFix
Filter (AJAX): Unfiltered query after using browser back buttonFix
Filter – Radio: No .active class applied when using “Sort” modeFix
Filter – Search: Missing class stylesFix
Filter – Range: Division by zero errorFix
Filter: Breaks if the loop has an offsetFix
Form element: Width placeholder shows value from smaller breakpointFix
Form element: Mailchimp “Groups” options empty after adding Mailchimp as an actionFix
Form element: Login redirect action not working when redirect_to param is in the URLFix
Form element: DD tag ‘url_parameter’ not working in custom redirect URLFix
Form element: Attributes wrong, if checkbox field required and checkedFix
Form element: Undefined array key “administrator” (if selected as default role)Fix
Icon List: Label not rendering if set to “0”Fix
Link control: Dynamic data tag incorrect on Woo shop pageFix
Link to non-existing category breaks page/templateFix
Link type taxonomy: aria-current not set in navigationFix
Map element: Map not clickable (no API key)Fix
Map element: Custom style not working and setting change not reflected on the canvasFix
Nav Menu: Mobile menu selectors too specificFix
Nav menu in dropdown content gets default styling (on canvas)Fix
Nav nestable: Text link global class added twice (on li and a, instead of only a)Fix
Nested query loop: Incorrect Nested query loop: Incorrect Nested query loop: Incorrect Bricks 1.11 value fetched (on archive) value fetched (on archive) value fetched (on archive)Fix
Offcanvas element: Hidden inside sticky slide-up headerFix
Offcanvas: Offset “Left” direction issue (RTL)Fix
Page not scrollable on mobile: Sticky header and menu opened, but zoom in/out or back button (iPhone)Fix
Popup: Unable to tab through popup content, when element has “inert” attributeFix
Post navigation: Styling issues (RTL)Fix
Product gallery: Thumbnail images changed if show_variation event emit by related products loopFix
Query loop: Item is a link and the “not found” template contains a link, the result is nested a linksFix
SEO: Wrong og:url on archive pagesFix
Shortcode element: Header/footer template IDs not renderedFix
Sidebar element: PHP warningFix
Social Sharing: Remove default margin on li (RTL)Fix
Sticky header: Overflow issue with sticky-on-scroll and slide-up (plus offcanvas or overlays in header)Fix
Translation (de_DE): Render header/footer are swappedFix
Using email in adds ‘mailto:’ automaticallyFix
WP admin console error: bricksAdminMaintenanceTemplateListenerFix
WPML: “AJAX add to cart” text is not translatableFix
WPML: Builder language overwrittenFix
WPML: Conflict with media translatorFix
WPML: No Bricks data after ATE translationFix
WooCommerce: Quick View AJAX add to cart for variable product not showing option (search results page)Fix
WooCommerce: Quick View not working with “start animation” interactionFix
WooCommerce: Up/Cross-Sells: Wrong max products placeholder/posts per pageFix
WooCommerce: Account addresses & edit has wrong title selectorFix
Popup (AJAX): Context ID not working on archive pageFix
Builder: Context menu “Edit Template” link not workingFix
Filter – Checkbox : Count position is on the wrong side (RTL)Fix
Filter – Range: Bar moves from opposite direction (RTL)Fix
Form element: Send to email not using correct email (when using ACF relationship)Fix
Form submission: PHP error (variable name typo)Fix
Form: Checkbox & radio fields label show, even if disabledFix
Image element: Background image not displayed in query loopFix
Offcanvas: Type “Offset” not working from right (RTL)Fix
Builder: Click on query loop icon in structure panel not working if active panel tab is STYLEFix
Builder: Structure panel z-index issue due to arrows overflowing panel headerFix
Tabs/Tabs Nestable: Home/End key bug that causes page scrolling during focus navigationFix
Builder: WP auth modal CSS is missing if “dashicons” are dequeuedFix
Live Search: Not closing results, if “display” is set on a containerFix
Range Filter – Slider layout broken on term pagesFix
Full changelog
Builder: “Copy styles” action in active selector barNew
Video element: Disable download, fullscreen, remote playback (via controlsList, not supported by Firefox)New
Lightbox video: Disable controlsNew
Builder: Show “HTML tag not allowed” error message for not-allowed HTML tagsNew
New filter: bricks/allowed_html_tags (to extend allowed custom HTML tags)New
Lightbox caption: Remove fallback to alt attribute valueImprove
Map element: Click map on canvas doesn’t open settings (no API key)Improve
Maintenance mode: Show popups for users with bypass capabilityImprove
Builder: Code control not re-initialised after panel tab change (using disable auto-expand)Fix
Comments element: Guests can’t see their unapproved commentFix
Element breadcrumbs: Custom name with tag not rendered correctlyFix
Map element: border-radius overflow (no API key)Fix
Maps element: Dynamic data not working (no API key)Fix
Template screenshot on “save as template” not workingFix
Toggle element: Bar color uses wrong selectorFix
Full changelog
Builder: Resizable structure panelNew
Form element: Provide user role setting for action “User registration”New
Builder: Element breadcrumb navigationNew
Builder: Save button indicator for unsaved changesNew
Form element: Set value & label options (checkbox, select, radio)New
Link control: New “Taxonomy (Term)” optionNew
Link control: Set URL parameters for internal linksNew
Google Maps: Use without API key (through Embed API)New
Maintenance mode: Don’t render popups by default (enable in Bricks settings)New
My Template import: Support image import (builder)New
Offcanvas: New settings to disable auto-focus and scroll-to-topNew
Tabs & Nestable Tabs element: New setting to open tabs on hoverNew
Product Title element: New setting “Link to product”New
SVG element: New “Link” settingNew
Template screenshots: Generate screenshots on “save as a template”New
WooCommerce: Support creating “Quick View” via AJAX popup (incl. gallery, reviews)New
Builder: Input fields cause moving #bricks-panel-innerImprove
Builder: Attribute name validation (not on frontend to prevent unintended attribute removal)Improve
Builder: Improve toolbar on mobile (smaller icons, horizontal scroll)Improve
Builder: Settings indicator reset not 100% clickableImprove
Builder: Support parsing DD tags in element attribute name and valueImprove
Custom Login Page: Auto-close WP session expired modal after successful log inImprove
Prevent potential XSS vulnerability through custom HTML tag settingImprove
Dynamic Data: echo function to accept “?” as a parameterImprove
Template import: Ensure each template’s post_date has a 1 second differences (avoid duplicated results in wp-admin)Improve
Link control: Renamed “External URL” to “Custom URL”Improve
No “Edit With Bricks” button if custom post type doesn’t support “editor” functionalityImprove
Products Pagination: Add flex-wrapImprove
Template screenshots: z-index, font, and performance issuesImprove
Toolbar: States indicator not showing if set on classImprove
Variables manager: used/unused filter support global classesImprove
Video element: Add “none” as preload optionImprove
Builder: Transition control placeholder shows “width” instead of “all”Fix
Button: Linking to Lightbox image/video, “Style – light” from theme styles gets appliedFix
Builder: Outline button isn’t transparent on the canvasFix
Carousel & Sliders: Not working inside CSS gridFix
Code element: Breaks when DD tags are added without quotesFix
Comments: Overflow on mobile due to long linksFix
Custom CSS: Class %root% refers to old name after class renamed in class managerFix
Disable header/footer setting read from incorrect template in term archive if term ID same as one of the template IDFix
Dynamic Data: New argument parserFix
Element conditions: iPhone & iPad not workingFix
Form element: File upload error message not displayedFix
Form element: Improper label association with flatpickr date fieldFix
Form element: Field width incorrect if redirect_to param exists on the pageFix
Icon List: SVG CSS not applied on frontend; Add new icon list element uses previous element settingsFix
Image element: Caption overflow (when border-radius set)Fix
Main Query with offset value: Pagination always returning same resultFix
Maintenance mode: WPML supportFix
My Templates admin screen: Add post_type to bundle and tag linksFix
Nav Nestable: Briefly flashes when changing from desktop to mobileFix
Nestable element: Children empty when using bricks_template shortcode to render in builderFix
One page navigation: Gap applies to wrong selectorFix
Posts element: Is main query setting not workingFix
Product gallery with thumbnail slider: 1st thumbnail not changing (if selected variation image not in product gallery)Fix
Products element: Is main query not workingFix
Tabs Nestable: Duplicating tab title/content requires canvas reloadFix
Template screenshots: Not working in SafariFix
Template: Issues with Author element & post_title DD tag & Post title elementFix
WPML: ATE strings not in orderFix
WooCommerce – Empty cart: Featured image tag causes error in the “Cart contents” query loopFix
WooCommerce: Product gallery not re-init if fetched via AJAXFix
WooCommerce Notice: Missing styles for error notice buttonFix
Dynamic Data: “echo” in link attributes returns empty valueFix
Query Filter: Index job stuck (if filter element removed, but task still in the job table)Fix