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Brave Conversion Engine (PRO)

Brave Conversion Engine (PRO) 0.7.6 NULLED

= 0.6.2 - 12 Oct 2023. =
* Added: New Settings Page. Go to Brave > Settings to access global settings.
* Fixed: Conflict with Flatsome theme finally fixed!
* Fixed: Zapier's Sample Data send function was broken.
* Fixed: Form Submission Redirect URL sometimes failed.
* Fixed: Ability to move shortcode's inline scripts to footer with inline_assets attribute.
= 0.6.1 - 20 Apr 2023. =
* Added: OmniSend Integration.
* Added: Upgraded Mailerlite Integration with version 2.
* Added: Webhook/Zapier now also sends the current page link.
* Added: Ability to delay campaign frequency to upto 2 hours.
* Added: Ability to chanage text/button element rel type to sponsored/ugc/nofollow.
* Fixed: Dynamic values in Form Conditional Redirect urls were not working.
* Fixed: Form Button Alignment was not working.
* Fixed: Hubspot Multi Checkbox field data was not being sent.
* Fixed: From Submission Custom Message were showing unwanted scrollbar.
* Fixed: Image Element's Hover Change Image option was not working.
= 0.6.0 - 14 Jan 2023. =
* Added: Ability to pass current language with hidden Form field.
* Fixed: Form Scrollbar was not showing up.
* Fixed: Fatal Error in Author pages.
* Fixed: After unlocking Content Locker, it did not disapear on subsequent visits.
* Fixed: Multi Select form fields data were not sent over ESPs as custom data properly.
* Fixed: Hubspot Integration was not working.
* Fixed: Creating New Campaign with Presets caused a infinite loop.
* Fixed: When a Popup's abtest children were removed, it couldn't be removed.
* Fixed: Google Social Login was Broken. Implemented the New Google Client Login API.
* Fixed: When Campaign is set to show on page that was set as Posts Page from Settings > Reading, it didnt work.
* Fixed: Webhook submissions sometimes failed or got stuck.
= 0.5.9 – 20 Sep 2022. =
* Added: Hubspot Migration from API to Private Apps. Please Reintegrate Hubspot from Brave Integration page following the latest documentation.
* Added: Mobile Layout: Option to Auto Sync Element Settings from the Desktop Layout on Save. Please Check the Responsive Documentation.
* Added: Forms can now be resubmitted again without page refresh.
* Fixed: Hide Controls for Youtube Videos were not working.
* Fixed: Countdown Timer was broken.
* Fixed: Dynamic Element Slider Links were not working.
* Fixed: Contacts added to FluentCRM has same lastname as the firstname.
* Fixed: When a form element is copied or duplicated, its conditional display rules, and newsletter settings options were not copied over.
* Fixed: Image radio button by default were set to the first image.
* Fixed: If a Form Step has a lot of fields and its height is more than the container, the scrollbar does not show up.
* Fixed: Multi-Step Form Conditional Logic was not working properly on clicking the step back button.