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BoroBazar - Daily Needs WooCommerce WordPress theme

BoroBazar - Daily Needs WooCommerce WordPress theme 2.0.4

05 Dec 2024 - 2.0.4
- RTL Support: Fixed the issue with the Gridster slider navigation.
- CSS Improvements: Enhanced styling for better performance and design consistency.
- JS Improvements: Optimized JavaScript for smoother functionality.
- PHP Fixes: Resolved errors related to the Borobazar Helper plugin.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
01 Oct 2024v - 2.0.3
- Fixed issue with extended search visibility
- Resolved PHP notice errors
- Enhanced CSS styling
- Improved JavaScript functionality
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Reactions: edgars221289
06 May 2024 - 2.0.0
- Accordions Blocks -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Categories Blocks -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Contact Form -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Extended Search -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Scroll To Content -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- App Banner -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Collections -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Slider -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Search Banner -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Quick Search -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Search Result -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Call To Action -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Contact Info -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Media Text and Counter -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Image Blocks -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Counter Blocks -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Team -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Posts -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Store Map -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Block Wrapper -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- About Us - Footer Widget -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Newsletter - Footer Widget -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Quick Links - Footer Widget -- new Gutenberg Blocks coding structure
- Fix php notice (grid star)
- Css improvement
- JS improvement
- POT file update
Changelog didn't updated